chapter 1

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" sayonara mai chan" a boy said shooting a girl into the heart and laughed " well that was too simple. And she called herself a bounty hunter" he was clutching his stomach unable to stop laughing " losen up Valentino don't be so sick" Kai said.

Valentino Ve Anderson a 16 year old who was an assassin . He was the best at it . He had allready killed 14 people. He was good at sniping, karate, using knifes, swords, guns and using his bear hands to kill.

" I mean she literally almost gave up . Why would I not laugh ? People like her are such waste." Valentino said stopping his laughter " anyways you've got school in a few hours so get some rest" Kai said putting away his revolver. " okay take away the trash for me Kai I'm off " Valentino got into his black BMW i8

" what a drag " Valentino said to himself as he drove home. He lived with his older sister and brother, they were close but not as close as so Valentino could tell them he was an assassin, he didn't have a curfew so whenever he had work he left and came as he pleased. He only tried his best to come home when his father and mother had come after their business in Shanghai

It was 2 in the morning as he got home. He said ' open ' and the gate opened, his family was very wealthy so they lived in a mansion. He fixed himself some dinner when his older brother, Romeo came to the dining room " yo, what're you doing coming this late at night ?" He asked crossing his arms leaning onto the door

" I'm eating " Valentino said stating the obvious " no I mean where were you ?" Romeo asked " guess" Valentimo smirked giving the face you'd say ' I was with a girl all night ' " uhhh OK? I guess.."Romeo said getting the pictur.

" anyways you are coming home early tomorrow, we have guests " Romeo remarked " what guests ?" Valentino asked "your favourite cousin Camile" Romeo said hiding his laughter "damn" groaned Valentino.

Camile was one of Valentino's second cousins and was obsessed with him since they were little kids. And Valentino hated her for being a yandere. " that little witch is aweful " Valentino sighed

The next day Valentino woke up and was as dead as a log ." Wake up " his sister Valenina said " you'll be late for school" " damn school" Cameron murmured " who gave you permission to come to my room anyways ?" He asked " I don't need your permission I've always come in like this. " valentina said " well piss off the " Valentino groaned as he hugged his pillow

" Joanna made us blueberry chocolate pancakes your favourite " Valentina whispered " really ?" That woke Valentino "yeah" Valentino got dressed and went down to the breakfast table. His brother and sister were allready there in their school uniforms eating pancakes

" morning " Romeo said " good morning " Valentino said sitting down and pouring syrup onto of the pancakes on his plate. " you told him to come early tonight right?" Valentina asked Romeo " yeah " romeo replied. Breakfast continued and by 7.30 they got into their vehicles, Romeo drove a Ford mustang and Valentina drove a lamboghini while (as mentioned before) Valentino drove a BMW i8. They were off to school

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