Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

I quickly open it up, not wanting to miss it.

I hope he didn't start yet! That would be so annoying, because then I would have missed some of the things he said.

By the time it loads, it is already five minutes in to the twitcam but I deal.

"@Real_Liam_Payne Hello #hugefan #twitcamparty"

I send in the tweet, in the message bar next to where the video is shown.

"Hello amazing fans!" He waves quickly, talking in his normal british accent of a voice, which majority of us find extremely attractive.

I wave back at him and say hi back, even though I know he cannot hear or see me.

Liam is the mature one of the group One Direction, and is the one who is on twitcam the most. Which I have nothing against, and nor does anyone else that is a directioner. He is actually quite funny, and seems to be an amazing guy.

"The boys were being so ridiuclous today it was crazy. Louis even pulled a prank on me by managing to convince me to sit down on a toilet seat that had toothpaste on it."

"@Real_Liam_Payne Aww, you poor baby. At least now your bum smells good."

Liam laughs at something he read and then says, "Yeah EBabycakes, at least it smells like mint now.."

Hold up!

EBabycakes is my twitter username! Did Liam Payne, 1/5 of One Direction, just say my twitter name in a live twitcam?

I hear the bing of a new facebook message and see that Tori messages me.

"Did Liam give you a shout out?? Did he mention your name?? EBABYCAKES?"


"@Real_Liam_Payne did you just say my name? I think I just died."

"No! EBabycakes just said she died! You can't be dead, then we won't be able to discuss how my bum smells like mint. Speaking of... Harry the other day bought some new intern working for the management a whole bucket of mints. The poor lad turned bright red."

"He did it again! I think I just went to heaven. I swear!" I message Tori, still awestuck that he said my user name that first time.

It isn't every day that you can say a celebrity had a conversation with your through a twitcam.

"@Real_Liam_Payne Don't worry, your cuteness brought me back to life. I will remember it when I try out for X Factor, the names Erin."

I know I am pressing my luck by sending this tweet and hoping he will answer it but a girl can hope can't she?

"Your trying out for X Factor Erin? Well I wish you the best of luck and will watch when it comes on the telly, but one of the lads is currently calling me to go to Nando's with him. I am sure all you fans know who that is. BYE!!!!!!!"

With that the twitcam ends, and I sit there with my mouth dropped.

Liam James Payne just said my real name on a live twitcam, and said he would watch for me on the X Factor. Well that is I do get it.

I better get practicing!


 My alarm goes off and I pop out of bed.

"ITS TODAY, ITS TODAY!" I scream excited, running into Aly's room, still in my pyjama's. "GET UP, GET UP!"

Aly pops up in the same manner I did and begins screaming along with me.

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