Chapter Thirty Seven

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Did you like the last chapter???


And some new romance for some people ;)


 Chapter Thirty Seven

He leads me to their room and I can't hold in my excitement.

Maybe its different with Niall and Harry because I've hung out with them and they are pretty normal lads, but I'm about to meet the face of Louis' beautiful bum, Zayn's perfect hair, and Liam.

Honestly my heart can't possibt pound any faster right now.

I'm finally going to meet them. The moment I've dreamed about for like, EVER! Not that I ever imagined this is how it would happen.

Harry swipes his key card to his room, opening the door.

"HARRY WHERE DID YOU G-" Louis stops short when he see's me.




Louis Tomlinson is standing in front of me with nothing on but boxers.

"EBABYCAKES!" I hear Liam's familar voice exclaim.

"LIAM?" I shout.

"Louis!" Louis randomly shouts out.

"We all give him a strange look but he just shrugs." You were shouting names and I felt left out. Sometimes I just feel unloved here, and you know what its just making me sad. So you were shouting names and I decided to join in. Odd name Ebabycakes. Who would name their child that?" He walks off still talking to name in particular.

"Zayn, come in here!" Liam shouts to whoever his handmate is.

I can't believe Liam Payne, in the flesh, is standing infront of me. Call me afan girl but they are way more attractive in person.

A sleepy Zayn Malik with tussled hair walks in.

"Whaa?" He rubs his eyes and asks, clearly exahusted.

"This is Erin! The girl I told you about? EBabycakes."

"Ohhh is it." Zayn is suddenly wide awake.

"Did you tell all the boys about me?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Maybe." He blushes. "And Shayna."

Well that clears up the whole Harry and Shayna knowing my twitter name.

"What about Shayna?" Louis reappears, this time fully dressed.

"Nothing Lou." Harry laughs at his Best Friend's obliviousness.

"Where's Niall?" I ask.

"He went to find your sister I think." Liam answers.

"Yeah, I think he wanted to surprise her." Harry says, "Great minds think alike, and isn't she like a huge fan of us or something."

"Yeah or something. She's like obssesed." I laugh.

Just as I say that Niall walks in with Ally.

"Speaking of the devil..." Harry smirks.

"HOLY SHIT ITS LOUIS, ZAYN, AND LIAM!!!" Ally flips, not holding in her fan girl desires like I did,


"So your performing tomorrow on the show?" I ask Harry as he browses through something on the internet.

"We are. You excited?" He replies.

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