Chapter Forty Eight

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  • Dedicated to Shayna Lee

Hello my lovelies. So when I last posted my chapter I cut the chapter short because I felt it was dreaggin on, I mean seven pages is a lot...

I really love you guys, even you silent readers. This story helps me go on with my love for One Direction and not feel that I have never met them and never will and all the directioner problems because you guys make this story feel real to me and I feel loved so thank you for that.

I don't even know if that paragraph made any sense ^^^

Haha, anywho, I am going to let you guys get on with your reading but please please please comment because I would love to see your reactions.

What do you think about Cleo's Cancer? Is Erin doing the right thing about keeping this from people? How about Liam? How do you feel about Eriam going downhill?

Yesh thats a lot of questions I know but think about them maybe answer them below ;)




Chapter Forty Eight

"I don't know about this...." I say, not liking managements plan.

"We really should tell Erin."

Zayn rolls his eyes at me and says back, "Don't be such a pussy Louis. She'll love it."

The boys and I are backstage right now and we are being touched up for make up. They are also making sure our microphones are working, and outfits won't malfuction.

"She hates surprises!" I protest, "You tell them Liam! You know that she hates surprises!"

Liam just shrugs at me and starts talking to Niall and Harry/

With a sigh I give up on trying to fight this, knowing I won't win.


"Alright Erin, you are all miked up!" A smiley backstage worker says to me, "When you hear Ellen introduce you and music comes on, which should be in a minute or two, you go on stage and you wave to everyone. Then you take your seat and Ellen will take it from there."

"Perfect, thank yo so much for your help."

I hope my outfit is alright; no one really commented on it so I hope thats a good thing.

"Welcome to the stage Eriiiinn Torroo!" I hear.

Oh, thats me! I jump up and walk on to the stage while waving, just like the person who was with me before told me to do.

I look out to the crowd and take in my surroundings with awe.

"I am actually on Ellen." I breathe deeply as I take a seat in the chair that so many celebrities sat in before me.

"Yes you are." Ellen laughs." And its great to have you here."

"My friends used to joke that I would be on the Ellen show, because they'd email you about me and wish that you'd fall in love with me. Guess tehy can stop now, because here I am."

Ellen leans in closer and whispers in a joking tone, "I don't know if you  know but I'm married."

The crowd laughs and I laugh along with them.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that." I smile.

"Why, is your heart taken?" She asks.

"Maybe." I smile all knowingly.

All of the sudden the chorus from the song "I should've kissed you." is blasted by Ellen's DJ. A song sung by my friends of One Direction.

"Does that narrow down who you might be taken by?" Ellen tries to get it out of me.

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