The begining

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The tom squirmed around,confused where he was, "I think I'll name this one petal'kit" his mother purred as she nudged his sister closer,"that's a lovely name" his father,greyclaw meowed, "what about the other two?" He asked,sitting down, "how about gingerkit and,sweetkit"
He woke up,yawning,then running towards the warriors den to annoy some warriors.he poked his father a few times then ran over to another warrior,pouncing on them and biting at their ears,he noticed the dawn patrol coming in but they looked angry,one of them angrily walked into the warriors den and the other one went over to the leader,he could see maple'kit and gingerkit standing at the entrance of the nursery,maplekit was gingerkits friend,they both ran over to him and maplekit walked over to another warrior "fox!" She shouted,confused he walked over at sat next to gingerkit "there was a fox at the entrance of camp!" She shouted again,a few of the warriors walked out of the den to go tell the leader "but there isn't any fox?" He titled his head as he what he'd maple'kit "I was lying!" She laughed.

I'm to lazy to continue so that's all you get/j
Maple'kit belongs to @Kakyoin fan on discord

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