Grave visiting

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Coffee jumps around the forest, on rocks, trees and Krystals head once, stopping ahead of Krystal and facing her

"hey Krystal, do you think we should renovate the cave? we don't want it falling in on him"

Krystal looks up at the bright sky, then back down at coffee

"maybe,,, heh maybe if we do it good enough he'd come home" Krystal giggles, went silent for a bit then sighed "I can only hope"

"we both can only hope, I wish we had some sign that he'd disappear, maybe we could've helped.. " coffee signs, then starts walking normally

the rest of the walk was silent, they keep walking till they reach a makeshift door, made of twigs and scrap wood, coffee knocks on the door.... no response.

"it's polite to knock even if you expect no reply" both of them mumbled, then they open the door

it's mud walls, no lights just a small fire that coffee is lighting, and at the back of the small cave is a grave, with the words "Alex Sparrow, the top cat in town"

coffee knees down next to the grave, followed by Krystal soon, they look at each other, then put the snacks and flowers near the gravestone, then held each other's paw.

"best friends.. stick together, even if we're apart" coffee says

"and were best friends, you, me and... him" Krystal looks down at the grave sad, tearing up a bit

they sit in silence, watching the flame go down and the room goes to black, once if does they leave, shielding their eyes from the sunlight.

they walk back in silence, the only noise they can hear is the wind in the sky, the distant sounds of the city, and... a branch crack?

coffees ears twitch, he turns around seeing two people in hoods in the shrubbery, but as soon as he looks at them, they run, disappearing fast.

"hey Krystal there was a duo looking at us from over there?" coffee says, unsheathing his claws

Krystal looks as well, clutching her gun in her pocket "where?"

coffee points and she looks, no ones there, she let's go of her gun "you should wear your glasses" Krystal keeps walking

coffee stands there for a little bit, watching where he saw them, worried

"HEY YOU BETTER HURRY OR YOU'RE WALKING HOME!" Krystal shouts from the car, coffee snaps out of it and runs to the car, still feeling like the people were looking at them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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