Checking the date

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"BEEP BEEP BEEP" an alarm blares, a small jackalope wakes up in bed, rustling around eventually slamming the alarm to shut it up.

"ugh.. what time is it?" coffee asks the phone, sitting up and stretching, wearing a baggy crop top

"it's 10:36, you have a missed call from 'Tasmanian devil' 6 mins ago, want to call back?" the phone replies, buzzing waiting for a reply

"oh shit yea call back and put on speaker phone!" coffee jumps out of bed, landing on the messy floor, covered with ironed clothed, underwear and a baseball bat

"ringing..." the phone buzzes the changes to a female voice, Krystal the wolf "CARROTS!"

"KRYSTAL I SLEPT IN" coffee shouts, putting on a hoodie over his head

"you overslept by 6 mins you'll be fine, I'm outside anyway, too much partying last night?" Krystal giggled over the phone

Coffee looks at the bed and a small box under the bed, looking depressed, "yeah! I got too into the beer yknow!" coffee coughs and keeps getting changed "one day of the year and I over sleep god dammit"

"IT'S FINE COFFEE, besides, what's gonna happen? he's gonna come back and smack you for being late?" Krystal says, "actually he probably would now that I think about it"

"god now I'm gonna sleep in on purpose oh noo" coffee replies giggling, picking up his backpack and baseball bat, walking out of the room, a missing poster of a black cat falls out of the bag, "Alex Sparrow, missing since 3015"

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