Chapter 3

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Stella Toll's POV:

I am sitting in postions today staring at the click waiting for the class to be dismissed. Until I sm pulled from my daydream by professor Dippet. "Miss Toll can you please come with me to my office." "Um of course" I didn't even realize how shaky my voice was till I was in the hallways and Dippet asked "Are you alright you seem pale? I assure you that you aren't in trouble." "No, I just didn't sleep the best. But if you don't mind me asking, why do you need me?" "Well, we are having a transfer student come in today after lunch, so I want you and Miss. Deshawn to show her around. Miss. Deshawn is waiting in my office to discuss the details." "Professor I didn't know Hogwarts excepted transfer students." "Well her situation is very different than most." After that most of the way there was silent. Which just let my brain full with wonder as to how bad was the situation for a transfer.

Once we reach his office I get let in. Aurora Deshawn was sitting silently for who knows how long. I wasn't particularly close with the hufflepuff, but always thought she was sweet. She was really pretty and her brown hair flowed so freely.

"Miss. Toll please meet Miss. Deshawn" "Hi, please just call me Aurora since we will be spending some time together" her voice was filled with honey and was delicate. "Please call me Stella, and it great to meet you."

"Well girls let's discuss why I brought you in here. Lilith Apollo recently list both her parents and moved in with her aunt in London. She will be coming in after lunch today and I would like the two of you to show her around. She has not been sorted yet, but will infront of the school at supper. As you both know Hogwarts can be confusing to find your way around, but with the two of you she should be able to do just find. If possible introduce her to a friend or two so she can develop closer relationships. Any questions?" Dippet was clear, but I do have a question, "why us sir?" "Well, I am glad you asked see the two of you are good influences and right now I believe Miss. Apollo needs just that. Any other questions?" "No that's all" Aurora answered quick. "Well off to lunch meet back here once your finished"

Aurora Deshawn's POV:

I am starving, so I quickly enter the dining hall.
Luckily my two best/only friends are waiting for me. I have never been one to have many friends. I have always been liked since I was kind and polite, but my social skills didn't reach far.

I walk over to Klaus and Klaudia, yes they are twins. I know how very exciting. But one I reach the table I was bombarded by questions about where I have been.
"Where were you? I thought you were dead." "Are you ok? When you got called to Dippet's I was worried they would expel you" they both ask speaking over one another."

"Guys I am fine, but I have huge news!" "Please tell us" Klaudia says anxiously. "Well, the news is Hogwarts is having a trasfer student come in today and Stella Toll and I will be showing her around."

"That's amazing. What's her name? What house is she in? What's she like? What does she look like? Why is she coming here?" "Calm down Klaus one question at a time. First, her name is Lilith Apollo. Second, she is getting sorted tonight at supper. Third, I have not met her yet, so her personality is yet to be determined. Fourth, I don't know exactly what she looks like, but Dippet said she has long blonde hair. "Lastly, the details as to why she has come here are unclear, but I know her parents died so she moved with her aunt." "Well, when is she going to meet us?" "If she is sorted into Hufflepuff, then right after she is sorted. But if she is sorted into Ravenclaw then I suppose she will be with Stella and them. If she is sorted into Gryfindoor or Slytherin, then probably in between classes. Let's just hope she will be anything but Slytherin." "Only time will tell Rory."

Klaudia came up with the nickname Rory when I first met her. Since then it stook with both her and her brother referring to me as Rory.

Lilith's fit

Lilith Apollo's POV:

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Lilith Apollo's POV:

Here I am outside of Hogwarts. Despite the fact that I do not want to be here I will not deny the fact the this school is gerogous. When I arrive I am faced with two girls whom I assume are in my year and another professor. "Miss. Apollo I would like you to meet Professor Dumbledore, Aurora Deshawn, and Stella Toll. Dumbledore teaches transfiguration which you will be taking this year." "Hello, sir it is a pleasure to meet you." The sound of my voice is so sweet I feel like throwing up. "The pleasure is all mine." "Miss. Toll and Miss. Deshawn will be your student tour guides. They will show you around the castle till dinner. After dinner they will introduce you to their friends." "Hello, thank you for being kind enough to show me around." "The pleasure is all ours." Stella seems nice, but maybe to nice. "I think we should start shoeing you around." Aurora interprets.

A few hours go by and the three of head to the great hall. The school is nice and spacious and carries many lies. "Professor Dippet told us to have you wait outside until he calls for you. Don't worry though everyone already is in there waiting for a big announcement." I almost laugh at Stella for thinking I am nervous but again I catch myself. "See you soon and remember there are four houses ravenclaw which is Stella's house, Gryfindoor, hufflepuff which is my house, and Slytherin." "See ya."

After waiting for a few minutes I here Dippet start his speech with "Please welcome Miss. Apollo." I take it as my cue to head in and do just that. Everyone's heads turn to face me. I keep my head held high because I know that these people will kneel to me. A few boys whistle at me and I have to compose myself to not hex them. I also feel a boys eyes stare straight at me as if he was trying to burn holes through me. One I reach what I presume to be the teacher table I stand and look back to the students. Dippet continues, "Miss. Apollo is headed into year 5 and is transferring here from Beauxbatons ..."

After the rest of the speech he ask me to sit down to get sorted. As I sit with my back straight and staring my blue eyes into the crowd. I can see the four houses Aurora and Stella were talking about. Hufflepuff on the far left with Gryfindoor next to it, Ravenclaw sits on the far right while Slytherin is next to it. Before my thought can go on the sorting hat gets put on me.

"A complicated one aren't you. Smart as a ravenclaw. Very brave indeed maybe Gryfindoor. Very cunning, more than I have seen in quite some time. Very similar to a boy I sorted a few years ago. Before I sort you please have mercy on me as I believe you will either burn the world down or be the person to bring it up." Whatever does this old hat mean. "SLYTHERIN" The hat shouts and pulls me out of my thought. I look over and stand to see a table clapping and cheering for me.

Well won't this be a fun year.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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