Getting an award

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Jimmy and I went to have lunch and enjoy our Sunday. "It's such a nice day." Jimmy said. "It is I'd rather be in bed cuddling with u." I said as he smiled. As jimmy and I were eating i get a an email from the West Hollywood chamber of commerces. The email said I'm receiving an award for my work with domestic violence victims. "Oh my god." I said as jimmy aye looking. "What's up?" Jimmy asked. "I'm getting an award." I said. "What for?" Jimmy asked. "My work with domestic violence victims." I said as jimmy comes over hugging me tight. "I'm so fuckin proud of you." Jimmy said as I smiled. It means a lot that I got this award when me working with victims of domestic violence. I don't want another woman to go through the same shit that I went though but I also wanna build women back up. If I can make it out of the darkness then other women can as well. "Not bad for someone who's faking an attack." I said as jimmy laughed. "I'm telling all the guys at camp." Jimmy said as I ate. "I wasn't expecting it babe." I said. "Well your deserve it. With that being said, I wanna treat you to a new outfit for the event." I said as I giggled. "Blow jobs." I said as we laughed. I sent a text to all my friends and family and I was gonna make sure everyone got tickets.

Meanwhile back in LA
Lisa found out about me getting an award for domestic violence and being as she's the end all be all of LA she's going to be at this event.

"What are you gonna do about Lisa being there seeing is she's the grand dame?" Jimmy asked. "She's there it is what it is. She's nobody to me." I said. I don't have a relationship with Lisa it's sad to say I considered her to be a mom to me. "I'm gonna make sure I look my greatest ever so that way I can twirl." I said as jimmy laughed. "I'm glad your in a better place." Jimmy said as I smiled. "I have to ask for the money back I invested in sur and pump too." I said. "How much did you invest?" Jimmy asked. "23 thousand in 2013." I said. "Imagine how much your supposed to get now." Jimmy said. "I just want my money and I wanna be done with Lisa." I said. "What are you gonna do with the money?" Jimmy asked. "Save half put work in the house for the sex room." I said as he smiled. "I could invest in you." I said as jimmy laughed. "What is my LLC?" Jimmy asked as I laughed. "Being a hot piece of ass." I said as he laughed.

Jimmy and I were back at his place about to go swimming and drinking. "Party's here." I said holding a bottle of casimgos cocktail's. Jimmy films me drinking out the bottle. "I don't have germs." I said as he laughed taking the bottle. Jimmy and I get in the pool enjoying each other. "You shouldn't b fighting so much." He said as I giggled. "Sometimes you gotta beat up bitches." I said giggling. "You should love more." He said as I giggled. "If you lived with me we would love more." I said giggling.

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