The Day Before

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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two feet stepping one foot in front of the other, walking towards the front of the classroom.  And there he was...

Ok hold up. This isn't how it started. I've got to go back and tell you everything, but just from yesterday. I'm very against giving a whole life story to tell just one moment.

So, I'm in my 3rd year of high school and I'm 17. My name is y/f/n and my best friend is Kim Seokjin (Jin). He is 21 yes, but I've known him since I was a baby.  My other best friend is Kim Namjoon (Joonie) and he is 19. We became friends when he started dating Jin 3 years ago. ~They are so cuteee~

Joonie can always sense when I'm not okay and Jin seems to always know exactly what I'm thinking or feeling before I even know myself. That's best friends for you.

After school I head to their house before going to my own to tell them about my day and any new gossip from the school since they used to go there a couple years ago.

Yesterday, I overheard the teachers and our principal talking about a new male student coming in to our grade. My first thought, 'Great, another dirty sock to add to the pile of boys in our school.'

When I went to the boys' house, they asked questions. Joonie asked, "I wonder what he'll be like, or look like?" I responded with "It's just a new student. We get more than one every year at some point and they are all the same. Either they're a fat bully or they're a f-boy with a really bad attitude.

"When will you stop being so hard on boys? Try to give them a chance sometimes, you might turn out surprised," Jin said.

"I'll stop being so hard on them when they stop acting like idiots." I proclaimed. I then gave them a look telling to back off. "Besides, between studying, college classes and my job, there's no time."

"I guess you're right," Joonie sighed, knowing he lost his case.

"Oh, I know I'm right." I said while doing a little hair flip and smirk.

But my thoughts were going to let me down, because the next day, I would not be expecting.

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