Chapter 1 - The Reunion

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I walked onto the roof where he stood. "I knew you'd show," I could practically hear the smirk appear on his face, as he was talking. "Yeah, well I didn't have much of a choice... you have information I need" my gruff voice declared.

He turned on his heels, so he was now facing me. When I looked at him all I saw were his gorgeous, green, emerald eyes, that has small specks of the moon reflections, shining like the nights sky; his eyes looked like they held the stars.

He broke my train of thought as he whispered, "What would you like to know?" His voice was quiet, but the tone was loud and clear, he was curious but asked with sincerity, as his eyes met mine, I felt my face go red, so I looked away from him and up at the stars instead. I thought for a moment before saying "I would like to know... how you ended up with information about Roberto, that even the cops couldn't get." I returned my gaze back to look at the man in front of me, only to realize he moved closer to me as I was talking, "It's pretty simple the cops lack the motivation and resources to get any of the information about Roberto and his experiments that you need," he sneered.

After a few seconds he stepped closer to me; he was so close I could feel his breath hitting the top of my head. He leaned down to whisper in my left ear. "Did I mention you look nice tonight." I looked down at myself and wondered how, all I was wearing was a black café racer leather jacket, concealing all my weapons, including a pair of Glock 26s, a pocketknife, and on my wrists were my signature electroshock weapons. A black t-shirt and jeans, a utility belt, and some plain black high-top converse. He took a couple of steps back but was still close enough for me to catch a whiff of his deodorant, he smelled like some sort of Lynx, I recognized the smell as the way my older brother Cody smells.

I looked up at the man I've known my whole life; the guy I once called my best friend. He was looking at me, his face held no emotion, although his eyes were filled with regret. An innocent smile made its way onto my face as I him in the lower stomach.

He groaned in pain and doubled over. He leaned towards the ground and slowly fell to his knees, still clutching where I kicked him, he managed to squeak out the word "why?"
"Because I find you revolting and vile... I only came for the information about Roberto and what he is doing not to be flirted with by some weak and vi-" I was cut off by my feet being swept out from under me. My back hit the ground first, I was winded and in so much pain my closed eyes started to water. I groaned as I immediately felt a foot dig into my chest.

I decided to open my eyes, all I saw was his blurry body standing above me. I knew instantly that he was angry when he reminded me, "I know all your tricks... Madison" he spat my name out like it was something gross.
"No... you only think that" I challenged him, my voice came out quiet and breathless, my tears drying up while I do so. My hands latched around his foot trying to push it off my chest, so the pain doesn't hurt as bad.

"You honestly think that I don't know anything about you" he viciously spat "I sparred with you most of our childhood."
"So, that doesn't mean anything. I left, I left that horrible place." I wanted to sound as confident as I was earlier, but my voice gave out and I was left with the same quiet, breathless tone.
"honestly, you were and still are weak." He replied in an angry tone.

I gave him a look of utter hatred, he seemed confused by this. His confusion soon disappeared when I raised both of my legs up and wrapped them tightly around the foot that was digging into my chest. I flipped over so his body was on the ground, I looked at him as I quickly rose to my feet, "Bet you didn't see that comi-" and with that a foot hit my already winded stomach. Then and only then did I realize how close I was to the edge of the roof. 

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