Chapter 3 - The Job

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Here I go. I got this.

I am currently walking through one of the most high-tech buildings in the city. By 'high-tech' I mean fingerprint and retina scanners, passcodes, certain level security clearance, cards you must swipe and put in a precise number code and cameras everywhere.

The only reason why I am doing this is because my boss, Mr Rodriguez, said he needed me to tie up a couple of loose ends. Whatever that means. Growing up I learned that a great spy never asks questions, even if these so-called questions are burning your insides because you want answers so badly.

Come on back straight, look confident. I got this.

I approached a group of people that seemed both excited and nervous.

"Omg I love your skirt; it really compliments your legs." A stumpy girl squeaked from beside me.
"Uh thank you. I like it too" I replied still looking as confident as I can. Today for this mission I am wearing a tight knee length black skirt, a plain black suit shirt with a black tie, some black leggings under my skirt, and plain black heels. My long hair was put back in a tight bun, plain black framed glasses rested on the bridge of my nose.

"So, what do you do here?" she asked in that same high-pitched squeaky voice.
I stopped in my tracks and turned to face her.
"What do you mean?" I asked looking into her light blue eyes.
"What I mean is I've never seen you here before and I was wondering if you are a transfer or something like that." She explained trying to avoid eye contact.
"Oh, uh yes I am a transfer." I tried to assure her although my voice cracked with worry.
"Ok well I go. You know important stuff to do." She mumbled pointing behind her with her thumb.
"Ok I understand I also must go." I agreed before turning around and walking the way I was originally walking.

I strutted confidently to the first door I need to get through. This one was a security card clearance, I latched onto the ID card that was attached to my shirt pocket and pulled it to the card scanner. I impatiently waited for the little red light to go green and after a few seconds it turned bright green. I opened the door and walked through the small white corridor.


I had gotten past three security clearance areas, a couple of fingerprint scanners and now I'm approaching a retina scanner.

You got this, just breathe. I hope this works.

I reached into my shirt pocket and pulled out a small contact Lense case. I removed the glasses and quickly opened the case and put the contacts in. I moved towards the scanner and pressed the buttons into the number pad. It made a whirring sound before speaking.

"Please stand on the red square" the robotic voice bellowed.
I looked down at the floor for the red square. It was just off to the side of the table the number pad was wired to. I stepped onto the red square and looked straight. My face was just a couple of inches from the white wall.

Suddenly there was another whirring noise then the small part of the wall Infront of my face folded so I could see what looked to be a small camera. The camera started to scan my retina with a wide red laser.

"Madi are you there?" I heard a voice through my earpiece.
"Yeah of course I am." I whispered harshly to Jerald.
"Okay good. Now once you get into this room, you're gonna need t-" he was cut off by a sharp high-pitched beep and the sound of air being released from the room I needed to get into.
"What do I need to do again?" I asked Jerald through the earpiece.
"You need to take of your skirt then get passed all the lasers and make sure you don't stay on the floor for more than 0.3 seconds." he explained. "Got that?" Jerald asked me.
"Yeah, but why do I need to take off my skirt?" I asked as a smirk made its way across my face.
"So, it's easier to get past the lasers." he assured me.
"Ahh right well here I go." I added as I pulled my skirt and suit shirt off, leaving me in a pair of leggings, a black spaghetti strap singlet and black heels.

Here goes nothing.

I pushed the door open all the way then I walked back a few meters then ran into the room.

I flipped over a laser then rolled through some more. I then front flipped over some more than I did a handstand and I pushed off the ground with my hands and launched myself onto a platform above my head. I landed with a soft thump.

"Hey, Jerald, I made it."
"Yeah, I can see that, those were some Noice flips and stuff." he mentioned.
"Thanks, I guess. What do I do now?" I asked Jerald.
"Uh, you need to go up the stairs, then find a black box that's connected to the wall." he explained as I was walked up the stairs.


I found the black box, like Jerald said it was connected to a wall. I made my way towards the box; the electrical cube is padlocked shut.

Dammit now I break the lock.

"What's wrong Madi?" Jerald asked through the earpiece.
"Uh well it's looked, so do I find a key and comeback, or do I just break it?" I asked not really wanting to break the lock.
"Just break the lock it'll be easier than finding a key" he explained.
I let out a loud sigh, "okay" I looked around the platform area for something to break the lock.

Okay so that's a tad weird.

Over in one of the corner's I noticed a random frog shaped vase, in the frog vase was a few wilting roses. I strolled over to the strange vase, bent down and hoisted it up towards me. I moved back to the box and threw the vase against the lock, the vase shattered instantly. The lock split slightly, without thinking I reached down took one of my heels off and hit it against the lock. The padlock was now hanging off the latch of the black box. I quickly pulled the padlock from the latch and threw it on the floor.

As soon as the lock left the hatch the box flew open.
"Okay I'm in what do I do know J?" I asked my earpiece.
There was no answer only static. "J?" I asked worried for my only friend. "Jerald? Mate what's wrong? Are you there?"
"Yeah, I'm here sorry I zoned out." he explained in a breathless tone.
"Okayyy?" I asked dragging out the 'y'. "What do I do now?" I asked my tall friend again.
"Ok so, can you see a blue wire?" he asked me.
"Yeah, I also see a lot of red and green wires as well," I whispered matter-of-factly.
"Grab the blue wire, after you've done that cut it and look for a shiny copper looking wire." he began. I did as Jerald said and cut the blue wire with a shard of glass from the broken vase, then I started looking for the shiny copper coloured wire.
"I found it what do I do now?" I asked in a quiet tone.
"Cut that wire and tape the two different coloured wires together." he finished what he was saying before.
"What am I supposed to use to tape the two wires together? Huh I don't have any tape." I said sarcastically, cutting the copper-coloured wire.
"You can intwine the wires you know?" Jerald asked me with a slightly interested tone.
"Really?" I asked as sarcastically as possible, while intwining the two different coloured wires. "So, this will turn all the alarms off, is that right?" I spoke the question that was on my mind.
"Uh yeah, it should. If not, we are doomed." he chuckled out.
"Okay all done." I assured.
"It . Now quick get out of there." he whispered harshly through the earpieces.
"Ookay I'm leaving now" I said running down the stairs and through the room I came through.


I pulled my skirt and shirt off the cold floor and swiftly put them back on, I walked out of the room as if nothing happened. I easily walked past all the scanners and cameras in the building and made my way to the main lobby.

I scanned the room and instantly noticed that none of the security guards are in their assigned places.
Crap what if they found Jerald in the van.
I strutted like the girl boss that I am out of the building and into the carpark towards the van.

"JERALD?" I whisper shouted opening the passenger's door. I investigated the back of the van as I sat in the passenger's seat.
"Yeah, I'm here. Are you ready to leave?" Jerald asked as he climbed over the center console and into the driver's seat.
"Yeah, let's go." I whispered looking over my shoulder and into the back of the van, expecting to see more then the gadgets and gizmos in the back.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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