Chapter 2 - The Fall

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I stumbled over the side of the building, my estimation is that I have about fifty meters till I hit the ground, I pulled both of my legs up to my chest and reached into my right boot. I grabbed out a small pocket-sized grappling hook. I fell past an open window, when I saw that the window was open, I aimed and shot the end of the hook towards it. Seconds later I stopped falling downwards and instead hit an oncoming window seal. As I hit the edge of the window, the glass shattered, and I was winded once again. With a grunt, I seized a hold of the broken window seal, I felt a pain go through my left hand, I ignored it and with a grunt I pulled myself up through the shattered window and inside of the room.

The room I climbed into, looked like a small apartment, it was dark and empty, but it looked like someone lives there. On one of the walls there is a bunch of photo frames filled with pictures of what looks to be a family, but I couldn't be too sure. The walls in this room are an off-white colour, there is about three or four small couches spread throughout the room.

I felt something warm run down my fingers, I raised my left hand only to see that I had lacerated the palm of my hand on a stray bit of glass as I climbed through the window. 'crap' I immediately thought. I grabbed the edge of my shirt and raised it up to my mouth. I used my teeth to help rip my shirt.
RIIIPPPP after I ripped my shirt, then wrapped the soft black fabric around my sliced bleeding palm and tied it up so it wouldn't fall off my hand.


I looked towards the door, and from outside in the hallway I could hear a lot of footsteps and many different voices. They sounded like they were looking for something, or someone.
"Could they be looking for me?" I whispered to myself.
"She's around here somewhere" I heard a low, husky voice I recognized; I instantly knew who was talking.
"Sir we've looked in mostly all of these apartments, the families that live here are scared, they don't know what to think." mentioned a soft voice, that sounded like a young girl.
"I don't care, keep looking, I need her to be found, we didn't get to finish our chat" I heard the one and only Mattheo Cabello hiss.

I heard the footsteps getting closer, I looked around the dark room for somewhere to hide, when my eyes found the window, I shattered when I came in. I saw the grappling hook still hanging down from the open window I swung from. The footsteps were getting closer by the second, so I stepped lightly but fast towards the fragmented window. I latched onto the small handle of the grappling hook and went to retract it so I could escape by climbing down the outside of the building when I heard the footsteps stop. They reached the door to the apartment. 'crap' I thought. "I don't have enough time" I whispered to myself before BAMM!!!!
With a grunt, the door burst open and standing in the doorway was my ex-best friend, Mattheo.

"Hola Madison, I really wanted you to hit the ground why didn't you?" asked the one I once trusted with my life.
"Yeah, well I simply used skill that you obviously don't have" I remarked, my voice was croaky but stern
"I have skill" he announced as he pulled out a $15,493 AK-47 from behind him.
"that's a nice gun, AK-47, is it?" I mentioned.
"huh? OH this" he said while holding the gun up near his face to give me a better look.
"uh yeah that" I affirmed slowly moving my cut-up hand behind my back to retrieve my pocketknife. "So, question where'd you get a nice like that?" I questioned walking towards him, I stood close enough to him that I could raise my right hand up his left but far enough away that he doesn't notice my wondering left hand.

I ran my right hand up his arm slowly and softly, knowing that he always liked me in ways I don't feel.
"I uh- I brought- I was given it by the company, when I graduated." He stuttered out raising his right hand by his head moving it in a circular motion as if to remember.
"cool do you by any chance know where I could maybe get one?" I asked in a flirtatious voice, running the tips of my fingers along his jaw line.
"Uhm you can get them on the black market" he whispered looking at the shattered window behind me.
"really? Do you have a preference or like...?" I paused to add affect to my manipulation. "A favourite person you buy your illegal stuff from?" I asked with an interested tone laced though out my voice.

My left hand had been holding onto the handle of the knife for about thirty seconds now, I placed my right elbow on his shoulder so that it's easier to run my knuckles over his jaw.

"Uh no. Not really-" and with that I cut him off by kicking him in the shin, I withdrew the knife from behind my back, twisted it in my fingers and stabbed the right side of his stomach. He groaned as I retracted the knife from his side, I pivoted and sprinted towards the window.

Beepbeepbeepbeep I stopped in my tracks and turned around only to see fire push me out of the already broken window.

2 weeks prior...

"Really? Tammy Hollis. Is that even a name?" my sarcastic tone rings throughout the room.
"Yeah of course it is, I didn't just make it up." he assured me, looking at the printer as it prints the cards.
"Okay" I mumbled watching Jerald do his thing. "Hey, do you think I can do a job this small?" I ask just barely above a whisper.
"Uh what?" Jerald asked as he turned his chair around to face me.
"Do you think I will stuff up this mission?" I rephased what I originally whispered.
"Yeah, of course I do. You are one of the best here." he assured me looking into my eyes. "Actually, scratch that you are the best in the business." he added.
"Ok, I am pretty good at my job" I confidently exclaimed, standing up from the wooden chair I was sitting on and looking at the passport, credit cards, photo ID and license for my next assignment.

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