Chapter 4: The Truth

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No One's Pov

Ethan slowly woke up and he realized he was in a old wolf's den.

He soon exit the den as he discovered his clothes were rip and covered in blood.

He started to have a panic attack as he tried to clam down as he headed back to Auradon Prep.

Mal followed Ben to his locker as she went to a locker as a few girls told her hey and thanked her for her work on their hair as Jay turned a corner.

"Are you feeling kinda weird about this? I mean it's not so bad here." Jay said.

Mal snapped her fingers in his face giving him a glare "Are you insane? Long Live Evil, You're mean, you're awful, you're bad news , Snap out of it."

Jay chuckled "Thanks Mal I need that."

Jay soon went over to the girls as Mal heard Audrey complained to Ben as usual."Do you think they pay for those? She did it with Jane's hair too and Fairy Godmother is not happy about it."

Ben shrugged. "What's the harm?"

Audrey huffed in annoyance."Its gateway magic! Sure it starts with the hair, then the lips and the legs and the clothes then everybody looks good then where will I be."

Then Audrey took her leave as then Mal shut her locker door.

"Hey Bennyboo." Mal said as she got Ben's attention.

"Hey." Ben replied.

"I just made a batch of cookies. Double chocolate chips. Do you want one?" Mal asked.

"I've got a big game I don't eat before a big game. But thank you so much thank you." Ben replied.

"Oh yeah I completely understand. Be careful of treats offered by kids of villains." Mal sighed sadly.

"No,No, No." Ben said.

"No, I'm sure every kid in Auradon knows that." Mal replied.

"No no, That's not it. No, I really have a --" Ben stated but got cut off by Mal.

"No I get it you're cautious that's smart oh well more for me I guess." Mal said.

Ben takes the cookie from Mal's hand and eats it.

"See that I totally trust you." Ben said.

"How are they?" Mal asked.

"They're good' they're great, they're amazing! I mean they're chewy and you know they....Is that walnuts I love walnuts. As Ben laughs I mean you know the chocolate.Then Ben clears throat. "The chocolate....Chocolate chips are .....I'm sorry um....They're warm and soft and they're sweet."

As he says that the rest of the Vks come walking up slowly.

"Mal, have you always had those little golden flecks in your eyes?" Ben asked.

Ben then went to take another bite of the cookie but Mal takes it from him as Jay comes up behind him with an evil smile and places his hand on Ben's shoulder.

"How are you feeling Bro?" Jay asked.

"I feel....I feel like singing your name. 🎶Mal!🎶

Mal goes to cover Ben's mouth as they lead him away.

Rosaleen's Pov

I was heading to my next class as I saw Ethan he was sitting on a log and he had a depress look on his face.

"Hey Ethan are you okay?" I asked but I got no response but he nodded ok but I wasn't buying it.

"It's ok if don't want to talk about but I heard talking about may help." I said but he didn't replied I was about to walk away.

"Last night I killed a group of men." Ethan replied as I turned to him."And I almost killed the Vks."

"What are you talking about Ethan?" I asked.

"Can you kept a secret?" Ethan asked and I nodded and he took a deep breath. "Last night I transformed into a beast."

"What kind of beast?" I asked.

"A Werewolf I am the son of Lawrence Talbot the Wolfman." Ethan answered.

I was shocked to hear that not only that Ethan was a Werewolf but his father was the infamous Wolfman.

"How did it happened?" I asked.

"My father tried to asked my mother Gwen out on a date Though Gwen firmly refuses Larry's persistent proposals for a date, they meet that night at the proposed time, and are joined by Gwen's friend Jenny to go have their fortune told The Romani fortuneteller, Bela, sees a pentagram when he examines Jenny's palm, and frantically sends her away. While awaiting their turns, Larry and Gwen take a walk. Gwen informs Larry that she is engaged. They hear Jenny scream. Larry attempts to rescue Jenny, who is being attacked by a wolf. He kills the wolf with his new walking stick but is bitten on the chest but it turned out Bela was a Werewolf and as for me after my parents were married after she ended her engagement to her ex fiance and had me the curse past on to me." Ethan explained.

"Then why come to Auradon Prep?" I asked.

"I thought if I can get the wand I could end my family's curse." Ethan answered.

Then he looked him as he turned away depress then I sat next to him and held his hand.

"I help you find a way to end your curse ok." I said.

Then he looked at me and nodded and I soon headed to my next class.

'Why is my heart racing am I in love with Ethan Talbot?' I thought.

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