01: Anti-Witchcraft Rants at the Café

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"Thank you for shopping with us! Have a great day!" I beamed as one of my regular costumers left, satisfied with their purchase.
"Thea, hun you should be headed to the cafe. Teeny might file a missing person's report if you make her wait too long "
Turning around, I glanced up at the old antique clock that hung above the tuliup display.
"Oh no!" I exclaimed.
The bright blonde beside me flashed her usual dazzling smile and held out my jacket and purse.
I went to express my gratfulness when she cut me off.
"Your welcome! Have fun! Dont worry of course I'll close up for you!"
I sent the a look with my eyebrows raised.
"Queenie! Can you wait until the words come out of my mouth before you respond to them?"
"Sorry love!" She smiled before kissing me on the cheek and making her way to the customer that just walked in the door.
"Queenie! You know I hate that!" I scolded rubbing her lipstick of my cheek.
She sent me her usual cheeky look before winking at me.
I sighed before sliding my jacket over my slim shoulders, and gripping the strap of my black leather purse tightly.
As I walked out the door the bell above the door jingled loudly, signaling my leave.
I quickly weaved between people on the sidewalk keeping my head down as my long brown hair flew around my face.
The streets seemed to be particularly busy this Sunday morning but a lot of people were on their way home from church, most of them dressed in their best light Sunday clothing.
I smiled watching children play in the park their joyous giggles standing out to amongst the sound of the busy streets and bustling businesses.
Finally coming up on the cafe I glanced around for my brown haired friend but it was clear she was even later than I was.
Suddenly I flinched back as a drop of water landed on my cheek.
My deep forest green eyes glanced up at the sky.
The clouds were a deep gray and heavy with rain. It was only a matter of time before it began pouring.
"Come on, where are you Tina" I sighed gripping the bottom of my tan jacket tightly.
Suddenly a commotion caught my attention.
Several people were all gathered in front of the water fountain in the middle of town and a pudgy looking woman was standing on the edge of the fountain shouting down at the people.
Curious, I made my way towards the group and the woman's words became clearer as I got closer.
"There are Satan worshippers among us! These people who use unwordly magic and threaten our lives must be seeked out and hung like their ancestors once were!"
My eyes narrowed and my feet halted.
This woman was clearly someone I didn't want to be around.
Just as I was about to pivot on my right foot to return to where I was once standing, waiting for my dear friend Tina, a piece of paper held out to me was caught in my peripheral vision.
Turning my head with a glare I quickly softened my gaze as my green eyes met with a soft dark brown eyes.
It wasn't the color that caught my attention but rather the emotion held in the irises.
Not only was it in his eyes but it was also sprawled across his face, from the the two worry lines spread across his forehead to the barely noticeable tremble of his soft pink lips.
"W-Would you like a fl-flyer m'am- I mean miss" he stammered.
I tore my gaze from his eyes and moved it down to the flyer in his hand.
After viewing the contents I felt my face and neck warm slightly in anger and disgust.
We Need A Second Salem
Was sprawled across the top in large bold letters.
Part of me wanted to scoff and walk away from him but my mind pondered his fear and the possibility it was because of the woman preaching the contents of his flyer.
"Do you believe that?" I asked calmly.
His eyes widened and he seemed confused and at a loss of words.
"I-I what?"
I smiled calmly at his before reaching my hand out to point at the flyer.
He immediately flinched and took a step back from me.
My eyes widened and I looked at him alarmed.
"I apologize. I was not going to hit you. I was just asking if you believed the words on the flyer you hold in your hand" I asked him, confused and deeply concerned by his reaction.
He opened his mouth to respond but stopped as he glanced back at the woman standing.
I followed his gaze and narrowed my eyes at the woman as I began to realize his fear was because of her.
"I-I don't k-know" he stammered avoiding my eyes.
I frowned trying to catch his glance once again so I could determine whether his eyes reflected his response but he was fixated on his warn out black leather shoes.
"Well I apologize but I disagree... I think you know exactly how you feel about it. You are just worried about how that woman may respond" I hummed lifting my hand to gesture at the woman but again he cowered away from me.
His reaction had beyond shocked me. I had made sure my movement was slow and a good distance from him but he still flinched.
Suddenly the puzzle pieces slowly moved into place in my brain.
"I know you. You must be Credence " I frowned knowing his story well from the mouth of Tina.
His fear only seem to grow when I said his name.
"I-I should go"
He began to move on to someone else.
I started to reach my glove clad hand out to him only to immediately stop myself, knowing he would react fearfully from my touch.
"Before you walk away. My name is Cynthea Rosewood. If you ever need my help. Come to the address on this card. Anytime. I will help you" I spoke knowingly before place my personal card on top of his flyers.
Before my offer could register in his mind, I quickly moved away from him and began heading in the opposite direction.
I couldn't help but frown as all of the stories about Credence. Tina had told me several stories and they all seemed to swirl around my thoughts. But I also recalled that the entire reason Tina had been demoted was in an attempt to help him.
I couldn't help it, I could feel his burning gaze on my back. I looked over my shoulder and my eyes met his again.
They still held fear but they also held something else.
Before I could determine how he felt, a hand grabbed my shoulder.
I jumped and quickly moved away from the person's touch as I was ripped back to reality.
Turning back around I looked up and saw it was Tina.
"Thea! I'm so sorry I'm late! There was this-"
I quickly cut her off knowing exactly where she was headed with the story.
"Tina! You know you are to no longer be concerned with the crimes of wizards against no-maj!" I scolded in a hushed whisper.
"How do you know? You didn't even let me finish!" She accused, but her face already showed that she had been caught.
"I didn't need to. Your eyes tell it!" I spoke sternly placing my hands on my hips.
She sighed and dropped her hands to her side.
"Sometimes I really hate your ability to read my emotions through my eyes" she grumbled.
"You hate it? You're not the one who has to watch others begin to hate you..... or fall out of love with you" I frowned at the last bit as my heart clenched.
Tina's face immediately dropped and she rested her right hand on my shoulder.
I sent her a knowing glare and she quickly moved her hand from my shoulder.
"That Thesus guy was a complete idiot for choosing another woman over you" she spoke softly and with sympathy but my heart still held onto the pain.
I quickly took a deep breath before switching my demeanor and leaving the topic behind.
"Well let's go get something to eat shall we?" I gestured to the Cafe in front of us.
We went to enter the cafe when someone began yelling loudly behind us.
I turned around with my eyebrows furrowed.
Standing infront of us was the pudgy woman who'd been preaching anti magic slurs. I believe her name was Mary Lou Barebone, it was a hard name to forget as it was on every anti-witchcraft poster in the city.
"Did you say something?" I asked her with a blank face and a tone that was void of any emotion.
"What did you hand my son?"
Internally I cursed.
Glancing behind her I noticed Credence watching scene unfold in complete horror, tears brimmed at his eyes and his hands we shaking horribly.
I quickly brought my eyes back to the evil woman infront of me and placed a smooth smile on my face.
"I apologize, it was in no attempt to offend you. I actually found your son to be quite handsome. I gave him my address in hopes we could get to know each other better" I coaxed my true intention, with a story that would hopefully prevent Credence any unnecessary pain.
Realization spread over Mary Lou's face and she looked over at her shoulder at her adoptive son before looking back at me with a laugh.
"Oh my dear girl, you could do much better than my dear son" she laughed grabbing my left hand.
I tensed at her touch and gritted my teeth, but kept my composure with a fake smile.
She placed my card back into my hand and turned around walking away.
I was astonished that she could openly say such a disgusting thing about her own son.
I looked back at Crendence expecting his eyes to show her words hurt him but instead I found he had relief across his features as well as a small blush on his face.
We both jumped slightly at the tone of her voice.
Credence looked at me with a lose for words and nodded curtly and quickly turning around and hurrying after Mary Lou.
"What are you doing?" Tina scolded me as I held the piece of paper up between my thumb and index finger.
"Returing it" I hummed in response before blowing on the piece of paper.
Suddenly the wind picked up and the paper flew out of my hand and shot towards Credence.
I watched as it carefully flew above his head before dropping back into the pocket of his jacket.
I smirked successfully before turning back to Tina who was looking at me with concern.
"Rememeber what happened when I got involved with the Barebones? I was a detective and now I'm stuck doing paperwork! Is that what you want?!" She scolded.
"Small difference. I'm not a detective. I own a no-maj flower shop remember?"
"I'd hardly call it no-maj when you've got every kind of herb and ingredient for potions in the back of your shop" she scoffed.
I just shrugged.
"Just as well. I've got nothing to loose"

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