02: Flower Power

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"Where do you want the peonies?" Queenie asked.
Glancing over at the different arranged colored peonies that has just arrived, I scanned the other flowers.
"Beside the Lavender and Lilies, they'll make the colors pop, and their aromas are quite alluring when combined" I explained before turning back to repot the ranuculus flower infront of me.
"Only you would be able to know that" Queenie teased.
"Well it is my life right now" I mused as I began to saturate the soil.
"What about your love life, is that also flowers?" Queenie pressed.
I frowned lifting my head up to stare out the glass window infront of me, my mind wandering to Theseus.
I quickly shook my head and pressed the thoughts out if my minds knowing Queenie was well aware of what I was thinking.
"More like weeds and mulch" I scoffed.
"It's been a year" Queenie reminded.
Now I was becoming irritated.
"It was the night before the wedding" I grumbled, unconsciously beginning to be to rough with the flower in front of me.
"Saved you from making a mistake"
This one sent me over the edge, I swung around to argue with her when my elbow knocked the ranuculus pot and it fell to the floor, where the pot smashed and the flower and soil were sent flying all over the floor.
Turning away from Queenie and the flower I leaned over the counter gripping at my skull with my fingers tangled in my brown locks as a stressed migraine made its presence known in my skull.
I took a deep breath and tried to work out the migraine by rubbing small circles on my forehead with the pads of my thumbs.
"Change the subject Queenie" I demanded, my eyes clenched shut.
I heard her heels click behind me and before her small hand rested on my back.
"All you have done the last year is work yourself to death. Go out and do something you enjoy" She urged.
I dropped my head and stood up with a laugh.
"That's the thing, I don't really enjoy anything but working anymore"
"Walk around the city, go shopping. It will come to you I'm sure of it " she spoke cryptically.
I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Queenie Goldstein, you better keep your wand out of my love life" I pointed at her accusingly.
She gasped and placed her hand over her chest in a some sort of mock offended motion.
"I would never do that"
"Queenie" I spoke sternly.
"I swear on my wand!"
I sighed and brushed the dirt off of my hands.
"Fine. I'll go out and wander the streets of New York aimlessly until something I enjoy just runs into me" I spoke dryly and sarcastically as I removed my apron and set it on the counter.
"Sounds great!" Queenie beamed jumping slightly and clapping.
I sent her a suspicious look and put my coat on.
She went to hug me but I quickly evaded her and sent her a knowing look.
"Please don't, you know I don't like being hugged" I scolded.
"Yea yeah, one day you'll let me hug you" she whined.
I rolled my eyes and turned away from her towards the door.
"Don't burn my flower shop down" I muttered walking to the door.
"I'll try my best!" She called after me causing her to scoff.
As I closed the door behind me I noticed several posters taped to my glass window.
I frowned as I immediately recognized the heading.
Start A Second Salem
I immediately reached out and began tearing them off of my window.
"That'd be great for buisness " I scoffed throwing them in a nearby trash bin on the sidewalk.
Stuffing my hands in my pockets, I began my walk. I took my time with each step, having no real idea of where I was headed.
I wondered what Tina was doing but remembered she had mentioned something about working today so I pushed the thought of hanging out with her from my mind.
Glancing around the crowded New York streets I watched the no no-maj go about their lives. Some were headed home while others were on their way to work. Every now and then I'd recognize a familiar wizard or customer and would send them my best fake smile and a nod.
I sighed aimlessly as the sun burned down of my dark brown hair.
It was a beautiful day for a walk but with no where to go the sun's strong rays just reminded me of how alone I felt with no one to enjoy the weather with.
Eventually I was startled by the low rumble of my stomach.
"I guess that's what I get for skipping breakfast "
I decided I had been gone long enough and spun on my heel and headed back to my shop where I could also grab something to eat.
As I turned around the heel of my shoe caught in the crack of the sidewalk causing my ankle to twist to the left.
I let out an almost silent cry of pain and quickly crouched down rubbing at the pain in my ankle.
"Great. Queenie you could have picked a worse time to send me on a self-discovery walk" I huffed, checking my ankle over one last time before standing back up and continuing my way back to the store.
This time with a limp.
I glanced at my black heels and cursed myself for not picking a more suitable footwear to go on a walk.
As I looked up I was met with someone's chest.
I yelped in suprise as our two bodies clashed and the other person fell backwards, my body following them.
My eyes widened as I found myself straddling Credenece Barebone, my hair curtaining over both of our faces.
I felt disgust hit me as I saw the complete and utter terror in his eyes as he shook violently beneath me, waiting for me to hurt him.
"Calm down please. I would absolutely never hurt you" I frowned quickly standing up.
I went to reach my hand out when I realized I hadn't put my gloves on.
I hesitated at the thought of touching his skin but forced the fear away after seeing how scared he was and reached my hands out to him.
He laid on the ground for a moment and stared at my hand in uncertainty.
After a while he still hadn't taken my hand.
Sighing slightly I crouched down to his level.
"Credence. Please take my hand. You're bleeding"
I pointed to his elbow, where his jacket had torn and his elbow was now dripping blood onto the sidewalk.
He hesitated a moment longer before reluctantly slipping his rough hand into my own.
I was shocked at how well his hand fit into my own. I was also amazed that his skin on my bare hand didn't cause me to feel immediately uncomfortable, in fact it had the opposite effect.
But then my finger grazed over his palm and I was confused to feel jagged pieces of skin and lifted lines all over his hands.
The marks and scars seemed to be from some sort of whip or maybe a belt.
I stared at our hands for a moment longer until Credence slowly pulled his out of mine.
My mind raced as I longed to have his hand back in mine.
What is going on with me?
"A-Are you ok-okay C-Cynthea?" Credenece frowned as his fearful eyes also filled with concern.
I looked at him incredulously.
"Me? Yes of course I'm fine. Don't worry about me, you're the one who is hurt!" I exclaimed gesturing to his elbow.
He glanced at his arm and seemed completely unphased by the fact that he was bleeding.
"I-It'll heal. T-They always do" he muttered the last part quietly.
My heart fell at his words and I sent him a sad smile.
"Here come with me to my shop. I'll help you clean it up"
He immediately shook his head.
"N-no no. I'll be fi-fine- I have flyers-"
"Throw them away. She will never know you didn't hand them out" I grabbed the pile from his hand and threw them in a nearby garbage right where they belonged.
He sent me a look of terror for what I had just done.
"Please come with me"
He hesitated once again before dropping his head and nodding in agreement.
Sighing in relief I quickly grabbed his hand again and led him to the shop.
I closed my eyes for a moment when his hand melted back into mine.
I couldn't help but frown at my own behavior. What in the world was I doing enjoying the contact of a no-maj, especially ones whose family would like to see my entire kind hang.
Suddenly my imagination began forming images of myself and my close friends hanging from a tree beside each other, bodies limp, surrounded by cheering no-majs.
The thought immediately made me sick and I quickly shook it out of my mind as we came to the door of my shop.
Still holding Credenece's hand in my own as I pushed the door open, the little bell above it chiming as usual to signal we had entered.
"Queenie I'm back" I announced.
"I'm suprised you didn't come straight back, you forgot your gloves and I know how skin contact with others makes yo-.....you anxious?" Queenie finished in the form of a question as she popped her head up from behind the counter and zeroed her eyes on Credence and I's hands.
My eyes widened and my face became hot with embarrassment.
I quickly dropped his hand and forced the sadness that twinged in my chest away, hoping that Queenie wouldn't catch it.
But when her face went up in a smirk I took it as a sign that I had ultimately been unsuccessful.
"Uhm.. Queenie please get me the first aid"
She just kept her smirk pressed on and walked off behind the counter to retrieve the first aid.
I mentally cursed at her embarrassing behavior before turning my attention back to Credence.
His fearful look was present in his eyes as usual but alongside it was wonder as he looked around at the huge displays of various flowers and plant spread out all over the store.
"T-This is your sto-store?" He asked.
"Oh yeah this is my store, Rosewood's Floral & Herbs" I explained walking further into the room and grabbing a seat for Credence.
"Here. Take a seat" I gestured to it.
As usual Credenece hesitated for a moment before taking the few steps towards me and sitting down.
"Here you go Thea. You must be Credence. Thea talks about you all the time"
I whipped my head around to look at the loudmouth blonde.
"What? No I do not " I quickly became defensive.
"Oh sorry I forgot those were just her thoughts"
Credence looked between the two of us confused and blushing.
My eyes widened at Queenie's past remark.
"Queenie!" I scolded.
She just grinned and moved to the other side of the counter where she leaned over it watching closely.
"Queenie don't you still have to finish inventory?" I lied sending her a glare.
"Nope! You did that this morning, rememeber sweetie?" She hummed.
I mentally growled. This woman would be the death of me and then she would prance about my funeral throwing flower petals like she was at a wedding.
Gritting my teeth I sighed before grabbing a cloth and pouring alchohol on it.
"You know you could do this the easy way" Queenie suggested.
I glared at her.
"No I can not" I hissed in her direction.
"E-Easy way?" Credence looked between us sounding more scared than he had previously.
"Ignore her. She's crazy" I snapped.
He flinched at my tone and cowered as I lifted my hand to clean his elbow.
"I'm sorry Credence, I didn't mean to use that tone. I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help you" I frowned moving much slower towards him, in hopes it would help him feel more comfortable.
"H-Help me?" He whimpered.
I glanced at Queenie out the corner of my eye and could tell from her distant look of sadness that she was reading his mind.
"Credence. I will always help you"

Intertwined ~ Credence Barebone Where stories live. Discover now