07: The Attack

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It had been 4 days since I had last seen Credence and to say I was avoiding Queenie like the plague would be a complete understatement.
There was no way I wanted her in my head after the recent events.
I had kept myself busy at the shop and whenever Queenie would call to ask if I would like help I reminded her that she had her own job at the MACUSA in the licensing office that she should probably start showing up to. She would try and argue me on it but I made sure to remain stern about it.
But it'd be an understatement to say I missed her help. The last three days the store had been swamped. It turned out there to be a grand wedding in the east egg island and the bride had wanted thousands and thousands of different flowers weaved in and out of her large extravagant decor.
I was getting to my wits end as the days began to feel longer and nights shorter.
That's how I got here, leaning over my front counter, my head resting in my hands my eyes threatening to shut.
Sighing I took a deep breath.
"Finally. Silence...." I murmured before dropping my head into my arms.
When the little bell above my shop door when off I was unable to keep the groan slipping out of my mouth.
"Is that how you greet all of your customers?"
My eyes widened in horror as I made no effort to lift my head.
No. No. Absolutely not. I can't deal with this right now
I heard them come closer and I knew I'd have to move sooner than later.
"Only the uninvited ones" I seethed lifting my head to glare at the brown haired man infront of me.
He sent me a sad smile as he buried his hands in his trouser pockets.
"It's nice to see you Thea"
"I wish I could say the same for you Thesus but you should have stayed in England" I narrowed my eyes at him.
He frowned before walking closer to me.
He glanced around the shop and smiled slightly.
"You finally got your flower shop. It looks amazing Thea-"
"Don't call me that. Only my friends call me Thea and you are not one" I snapped quickly walking around the counter to keep distance between us.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Cynthea, this isn't how I want us to be"
"Yea well you lost your descion making on our relationship when you slept with Leta" I snapped angrily, my fingers nail digging into the palms of my clenched hands.
His gaze narrowed and he clenched his jaw.
"I'm sorry Cynthea, I never intended for things to end the way they did and I certainly had no intention of hurting you"
My eyes widened at his admission, my green eyes boring into his hazel ones searching for confirmation in his emotions.
When they reflected honesty and endearment I struggled to keep tears from rolling down my face.
"You promised me. You lied. For what? For physical touch? I'm sorry I could not provide my physical body but I gave you everything else! I gave you my heart and you returned it shattered and missing pieces! For one of my only friends!" I choked out a sob.
His eyes widened and swelled with tears.
He quickly rushed towards me but I held my arms out signaling for him to not come any closer to me as I backed myself into one of the flower displays.
His eyes sunk into guilt and devastation and I had to look away.
"Please Thesus get your things from the apartment and leave" I begged.
"Cynthea please, don't push me away like this. Before we were engaged you were my dear friend and I still want to be your friend"
I scoffed and glared at him through the salty tears that painted my cheeks.
"I am absolutely not ready yet. I may not have been much to you but you were nearly everything to me and it hurts to even be in your presence. I could not bare to be your friend"
He let out a defeated sigh and looked down at his black dress shoes.
"Fine. You need more time. This I understand but Cynthea, this is not the only reason I have come to you" he explained.
I shot him a confused look as his tone fell into his serious octave.
"The ministry has made a discovery. It's about your father Cynthea"
My eyes widened in horror as what Percival had said echoed in the back of my mind.
"We found his body just west of the battle ground"
My eyes narrowed at his words as different thoughts began floating through my mind.
"His body....? I thought he had burned in the flames of Grindlewald with the others..? How could you even distinguish that is was his body after all this time? That does not make any sense Theseus!" I shook my head letting his news sink in.
"It was recognizable because he had only just died"
This time my eyes flew open, my stomach sinking.
"What in gods name are you saying? He's been alive this entire time? Why didn't he come home?" I felt tears come to the surface of my eyes once again.
"Because. From what he had written in his journal he had been prisoner there since 1919"
My jaw dropped open and I took a step closer to him, hoping that perhaps I had heard him wrong.
"1919? You are sure of this? I was born in 1921 how is this possible unless...."
"Reynald Rosewood was not your father Cynthea"
My eyes widened and I felt my breathing begin to pick up and my heart begin to pound.
How is this possible? This whole time the man I thought was my father has been locked up before I was even conceived?
Immediately I felt my knees buckle.
I held my hands out to catch myself but Theseus was faster. He quickly wrapped an arm around the middle of my by back and his other arm moved beneath the bend in my legs.
I was too far into my own shock to push him away.
He quickly walked across the shop and set me down in the chair behind the desk.
"Calm down Cynthea. I know this is difficult to hear but I haven't gotten to the worst part" he sighed resting his hand on my knee.
My eyes widened and I unconsciously shrugged off his hand.
"There's more? Isn't this enough?" I scoffed.
He sighed and looked away.
"Maybe you are right, perhaps we should have this conversation another time once you have processed this more" he turned his back to me.
That is when I realized that whatever he was about to tell so serious that even he was struggling to form the words himself.
"Theseus what is it?" I asked cautiously.
He hesitated and turned his body back to face me and getting down on his knees in front of me.
"His journal also wrote that Grindlewald has bewitched your mother after he locked Reynald up. The ministry has enough evidence to believe that....that Grindlewald is your father"
My face dropped and my stomach sunk and the world began to spin.
"Geralt Grindlewald? Took advantage of my mother and is my father?" I whispered, hoping that hearing it from my own mouth would make it sound less disgusting.
I felt my heart begin to race and my face and hands began to get clammy.
"No...no that's not possible. It is nothing but a lie. Please tell me it is a lie Thesus!"
Thesus sighed and looked down at me sympathetically.
"I am so sorry Cynthea. I wanted to make sure I was the one to tell you" he explained.
"Why?... so you could turn my life upside down a second time?" I seethed, my sudden devastation quickly forming into anger.
"What? Of course not. Please tell me you don't actually believe that" he scoffed standing up and taking a few steps away from me and turning his back on me as I stood up too.
"At this point Thesus I have no idea what is it I am meant to believe! You break my heart, somehow track me down 2 years later after I've somehow managed to fall in love again and flip my world upside down!" I sent him an accusing glare.
Immediately he whipped around, an undesirable look on his face.
"You what?" His voice cracked slightly.
I frowned his question taking me back slightly in suprise, before I realized what I had said.
"Nothing. It does not concern you" I quickly shot at him.
He immediately stepped towards me, placing his body almost flush against mine.
My eyes widened and I quickly took a step back only to fall back in to the chair I had been sitting in.
"Who?" He placed his hands on my arms.
Immediately I was struck with panic and I felt my eyes dilate slightly as my heart raced and my body trembled slightly.
"Stay away from me Thesus. I do not owe you any answers" I stammered.
Suddenly we were ripped away as a huge black sand like cloud slammed through the shop window.
It all seemed to go in slow motion as the sound of glass shattering and wood creaking under sudden pressure, the front of my shop was immediate ripped away glass and soil covering the ground.
It seemed to pause infront us for a moment before locking on us and rushing forwards.
My eyes widened in horror and Thesus quickly tackled me down to the ground, pulling us out of the way of the violently moving cloud.
"What the bloody hell is that?!" I exclaimed.
"An obscurus!"
My eyes flew open and I quickly jerked to the side as the black sand cloud whipped around and rushed towards us again.
As soon as Thesus stood up I rolled out from beneath him and quickly scrambled to the other side of the room crying out slightly as a large shard of glass from my front window dug into my calf.
"Shit" I quickly pulled the glass away and grabbed my calf tightly in attempt to put pressure on the wound.
Quickly looking up I saw the sand had taken a turn and was after Thesus.
Thesus began hitting it with spells from his wand and I watched in horror as my shop was ripped to pieces and the flowers were all drained of life.
I knew just from looking at it now, not all of my shop would be able to be returned to it's former self.
Looking around made my heart sink, my dream being disingrated right before my eyes, I could not help but let a few heavy tears fall from my face.
Glancing at my leg I gasped  horrified to find that my hands were covered in blood and a small pool of blood was forming beneath me.
But I was ripped away from the blood when I heard Thesus begin to throw spells at the obscurus.
Suddenly the cloud seemed to still.
I breathed heavily as I held a steady gaze on the cloud, ready to move if I had to.
Slowly it shifted and floated towards me.
My eyes widened, panicking filling me as I quickly used my uninjured leg to pull my body backwards away from the obscurus.
When it was a mere 4 feet from me, I forced myself to my feet trying to ignore the hot burning pain in my calf as I felt blood rush down my leg.
Reaching out I quickly leaned my body weight on the nearby wall that barely survived the wrath of the obscurus
Suddenly a hand moved out of the smoke and grabbed my chin.
"Cynthea!" Thesus cried from across the room.
I gulped slightly at the sudden touch from the obscurial.
But then suddenly I realized that even under my fear the touch didn't make me squirm.
I stared ahead of me in shock trying to wrap my head around what the obscurial was trying to do, my body trembling slightly waiting for it to do anything, leave, kill me, reveal itself. Something. But nothing happened until MACUSA aurors began to appear all around us and hitting it with spells.
The hand quickly dropped my face and ball of black sand reared around, seeming to wither slightly in pain before shooting up, going through the second floor and the roof, straight up into the sky before disappearing.
A few of the aurors rushed after it while the majority of them stayed to assess the damage.
I let out a heavy breath before allowing my burning calf to give out beneath me but I was caught by someone behind me.
I jumped not realizing anyone had been behind me and looked up to see none other than Percival.
Instead of his usual smirk, his face was dark and serious.
He quickly lowered me to the ground on my back and I felt myself begin to fade in and out of consciousness.
"You have lost a lot of blood dear, but you are a strong one. I am going to heal you must try to stay awake" he explained pulling his wand from his jacket pocket.
I let out a low groan as I tried to force myself to remain conscious and looked up at Percival to see his mouth was moving but I could not hear him, I could only hear my own heartbeat through the thick noise of what I could only compare to being underwater.
I felt a warm sensation on my calf before I finally lost my fight with consciousness and my eyes fluttered shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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