Tehee! Usable for Blackmail in the future!

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   Remy went back inside the mansion and looked at his watch. 3:56 PM. "Merde." He sighed, still another 5 hours till Rouge got home. Unless she decided to come back home early! He smiled at the thought.

   Remy was heading to his room when he heard..

"I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want...!"

"If you wanna be my lover...!"

  Two voices. Both sounding just like Bobby and Ray. One song. One idea. Remy smiled, alost evily, and ran to his room. He got his camera and tip toed to where the sound was coming from: Bobby's room.

  Remy turned the camera on and started recording, he had to bite his tounge to keep from laughing at the sight. Bobby and RAy both in heir underwear, jumping on their beds, singing. Bobby had on white boxers with red hearts, and Ray had on spider-Man boxers, cute right?

"SONG CHANGE!" Bobby said and he changed the song and started singing. "..You can be a sweet dream.."

"or a beautiful nightmare!" Ray joined in. They both laughed. Bobby then got off his bed and started doing a weird little dance....it kinda looked like he was riding a bull, or hourse and smacking its butt. Weird? Then Ray joiined in. They then started jumping up and down, singing a few more songs. Then spinning around. Remy was cracking up on the inside.

  Once the two boys were done (which was two hours later..) Remy opened the door, quietly, and clapped.

"Magnific! Bon job!" He said and then let loose the laugh he worked so hard to hold. Bobby and Ray went ghastly pale.

"y-y-you didnt..." Ray started, but faltered as he saw Remy's camera.

'Please, please tell me you didnt get that on tape did you?!" Bobby asked, horrified.

"Don' worry mon ami... aint lahke Remy won' put 't on youtube or anything.." He smiled slyly.

"NO!" Both boys said at the same time. "Please, don't!" Gambit shrugged.

"Fine Remy won' put 't on YouTube.." Both boys sighd in relief. "..Mais.." Both boys looked up at him when he said that. " It doesn' mean dat Remy can't use it as BLackMail!" And with that, he ran out of the room. Yep he was definatly gunna use the tape as BlackMail, in the future.

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