TV time, or not

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It was now well over an hour since Remy sat down in a chair across from Hank. And Hank was still goin.g on about the chemical structure of a dog...Or was it a fish? Remy clue, he wasn't paying attention at all. All that was going on in his head was 'Bored. Boredom. Boredery. Bored. Boredtoristic.' He was even makin up names for Bored.

"Ok Hank. Not dat dis isnt excitin' an' all but moi got ta go" he said "umm.." he thought for a sec and snapped his fingers "wash mon bike!" He lied and turned around.

"Alright. Come back anytime." Hank called after him. Remy sighed in releif. He went back upstairs and sat down on the coach in the rec-room. He turned on the TV and flipped through the channels. That's when Bobby came in.

"Hey Gambit!" The younger boy said and flopped onto the couch beside him. Remy grunted in reply. "So...watcha watchin?" He asked.

"Dunno." Remy shrugged.

"Wanna watch wrestling?"






"Animal Planet?"


" Poker? Disney? A movie?.."

"Non. Non. Non and non!"

"Well ok then." And with that Bobby left. Remy groaned and left the TV as well, maybe he would work on his bike?

As he was heading toward the garage, a hand shot out of a closet and grabbed him, pulling him into the closet.

"Wa' da-?!" He stumbled.

"Shhh! Remy! Oy'm tryin to hide from a certain Sheila!" John, also known as Pryo said. Remy rolled his eyes.

"Wa' are ya doin' in here Johnny boy?" He asked John.

"Didn't Oy just tell ya mate? Oy'm hidin."

"From..?" Remy asked.

"Wanda mate an-" John started, but cut off when he heard a yell.

"PYRO!!! WHEN I FIND YOU, I'LL HEX YOU INTO NEXT WEEK!!" Wanda yelled, John gulped. They soon heard her walk off.

"Wha' ya' do dis tahme Ol' Johnny Boy?" Remy asked.

"Well, Oy sorta...took...her make-up.." John said. Remy just stared at him in silence. After a few mintues, John had enough.

"Well what'ya starin at me for!?" He said.

"Not'n. Bu' moi es leavin. Remy see ya at ya funeral!" He said as he walked out of the closet. Remy countinued walking, when he past Wanda.

"Oh, Wanda. Johnny es in da closet, ovah dere." He told her and pointed toward the closet. Wanda smiled evilly. She nodded her thanks and ripped open the door. John helped in surprise.

"Now now Sheila, let's not get to haste with th-!" John started to say, but was cut off when Wanda grabbed his ear. "OW! OW! OW Sheila!" Remy smirked and walked away. Now, what to do with the rest of the day?

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