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     "OK. OK. Get ya self tagetha Lebeau." He told himself , grinning on his way downstairs, but couldn't help himself. Rogue was gong to come back home today! Sometime today. Anytime today. "Oui. mon cherie gunna b' c'min home!"

    He went up to his room, got evrything pick up. Not like it neede anymore picking up, he always did keep his room fairly clean. He played a few card games, but then got bored wiht that. He decided to go down stairs, so he did. When he did get to the top of the stiars, somthing smelt gooood.

"mmmmm!" He mumbled then went to the kitchen door. The dor was a cracked open, just a bit. Just enough for him to see a two layerd cake. Cake! Oh how he loved cake! Then someone walked right past the door. He jumped back in surprise. He went back to see who it was.

   It was Storm. She was humming to herself.

   "Okay. Now all I need to do is let it set for a bit." She said and smiled to herself. And before Gambit knew it, she was at the door. He jumped up, silently, and hid in the nearest closet. Storm stepped out of the kitchen, narrowed her eyes, and looked around.

    "I swear someone was just...Oh never mind." She said and shrugged it off. She then went to take care of her garden. Gambit grinned to himelf as his got out of the closet. He tip-toed into the kitchen, and saw the cake.

   "Oh mon dieu!" He whisperd to himself and licked his lips. The cake was red, with black iceing on the egdes and three small black flowers. He wondered who it was for.

  He looked around. He knew he really shoudn't be doing was cake..

   He got a fork, then with a mighty hand, plundged his fork into the cake. He then scooped some out and put it his mouth.

   "MMMM!" He moaned. "Such goodness!" He took another bite. Then another. Then another. He looked at the cake. It was already a fourth of the wat gone. He knew he should realy stop. Like really, reallly, reeaallly stop. But then again, it was cake.

   Before he relised it, half the cake was gone. He stopped and looked at it.

"Whoops...." He said. He put the knife down, cleaned it and washed his hands. He tip-toed to the door....Right as someone started to close it. He dashed to the side, where he couldnt be seen when the door was opened. But seen when the door was closed. 50-50 chance here. He thought.

    Storm walked in and gasped.

"My cake!" She said, angerly. Gambit silently reached his hand for the door, and got it opened half an inch before..

  "Gambit!"  Oh.Crap.

  Gambit closed an eye. He'd been caught.

"Uh. Oui Stormy?" HE asked, not turning around.

"Did you eat my cake?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"UH..Non! Why woul' ya t'ink Ol' gambit woul' eat dat?" He said a bit nervously. Storm was not convinced.

  "Turn around" Gambit turned, ever so slowly. "Then, do you know whoate it?" She asked.


"Really then." She said and then put a finger on the sid eof his face...and scooped up some iceing. "oh then, tell me how THIS got on your face?" She asked.

 Rats! He'd totally forgotten to clena his face!

 "No idea." He said, looking inoccent.

"Gambit. I know you did it."

 "No Ah didn't"

"Yes, you did"

"No, Ah didn't"

"Yes, you did"








"Gambit, its all over you face. And you where the only one in here!" She said, glareing at him. He just stood there.

......"Your point is...?"

   Storm threw up her hands "AGGH!" She said and massaged the bridge of her nose "I do not know how Rogue stands up to you." She sighed. Gambit grinned.

  "So, does dis mean Ah can go?" He asked.

    Storm glared "Only if you don't touch my cake again!" She said "Or I swear Lebeau, I will light your Cajun but all the way back to the swamps with my lighting!" She said. He gave her a teo fingered slaute and took off. She really didn't know how Rogue stands him.

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