Chapter 8 : The playground

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As I try to get away from him, he grabs my waist. Some how his grip always made me feel safe.
"What are you doing Carter? "
I was barely able to speak.
"Who were you with?" Said Carter
I stayed silent. I didn't want him to know where I was. It's none of his business.
"Just say it, for God's sake!"
"Why do you care? Why did you call me here? Aren't you busy with that cheerleader."
"What? What are you talking about? "
"Violet Hayes, she said she'd come over to your place tonight."
"No, I didn't tell Violet to come over to my place. Even if I did, were you jealous? Is this what this is about? "
"Me? Jealous? Are you serious, why would I get jealous? "
"Ok, understood." Said Carter
"So, why did you want to meet me? "
"I don't know. Just felt like coming here."
"With me?" I question him.

Carter looked at me like he expected something from me. Like he wanted me to understand without him explaining.

"Why didn't you want me to come last night?"
"You are so confusing"
"Me? You are the confused one, Peyton"

Whenever Carter said my real name in that serious tone. I noticed my heart skipping a beat. Which didn't make sense at all.

"How am I confused? "
"First, you're an awkward bookworm and you think are the most interesting person in the world."  He said.

When Carter suddenly pulled me onto his lap and made me straddle him, I automatically wrapped my arms around him to steady myself. His eyes were still on mine, but after a while they slowly went down to my lips and my breath caught midair. Carter didn't even try to hide his obvious stare. He simply didn't care. He had always been like that. Never pretentious, never not true to himself. It's what drew people to him. He didn't care what others thought about him. He never did.

"Why did you come here?" Said Carter
Honestly I didn't know why I came here in the first place. Maybe because of the fear of getting into trouble, right?
"I don't know. "
Carter's hand lightly slid up my leg. sending shivers down my spine.
"I see... Do you want to leave? "
"No. "
I didn't know what bravery took over me in that moment, but my words now lingered between us.
"Ok, we'll stay."
Carter said and his hand started moving again. Slowly. Up and down my leg. I could feel the warmth of his hands through the fabric of my clothes. As well as my heartbeat drumming my lungs out. I lightly nibbled on the collar of his jacket. More so out of nervousness. But I noticed how Carter stiffened underneath me whenever I moved my fingers. Just like his breath stilled. Only his stupid hand wouldn't stop moving on my leg, making it impossible for me to calm down.
"We should leave." Said Carter
I replied, trying my absolute best to hide the disappointment in my voice.

Next morning (saturday)
Carter had driven me home. Not back to the "guy" but to my home. What also meant that I didn't go back to Piper house.

Where are you?

I'm so sorry!! I'm home again. Something urgent came up and I had to leave!

Why didn't you wake me up idiot?!

You looked so cute. I just couldn't do it.

🙄 Wake me up next time!

Will do.

And suddenly I heard my mom calling me.
"Peyton, we need to go grocery shopping. So get ready, quickly.'
"Ok, mom. "

At the shopping mall
"Mom, you said were gonna go for grocery shopping. Why are we at the mall? "
"Calm down, baby. I just wanted to take a quick look at a few dresses. Oh, that dress looks cute! "

I look around the mall when I see Violet and her friends. I panicked, don't know why. I quickly find a spot to hide myself.
And where is the is the hiding spot? behind  fake bushes, great Peyton, just great. The of hiding was of no use

"Look, who's here? Ms Peyton Campbell hiding behind fake bushes. Were you hiding from us? "Said Violet standing behind me.
"What are you doing here?" Said Rebecca
"It's a mall. I'm shopping. "
"Alone, by yourself? "
"Yes. "
And then suddenly I heard my mom calling me, "Peyton, baby. "
"Is that your mom? "
"I don't know that woman."
"Oh really, then how does she know your name? "
Shit. She had call me now? Why?
They laughed at me saying, " You're such a loser, Campbell. "
"Well not as much as a loser as to pretend I'm seeing someone when I'm not."
"What are you on about?" Said Violet
"Do your friends know, Violet? That you and Carter didn't meet up, yesterday?" "What is she saying?" Said Rebecca
"She's talking bullsh*t! Rebecca.Are you so jealous of my relationship with Carter?"  Said Violet.
"Not really. I mean after all I was the one seeing him, last night. Greetings from Carter."
And I leave them with their mouths
hanging with shock. Violet wanted to embarrass me but she got embarrassed herself.

Later that evening
With all the nonstop chaos that was my life right now, I noticed myself slacking off on schoolwork. Balancing school and drama at the same time seemed almost impossible. Back then I ONLY had to deal with little devil Carter. Now I had even more enemies.

Then suddenly I had an urge to peep out of the window. When I did I saw Carter heading to his car in front of his, with a girl. Who's she? I don't think I've seen her at school...

What was that feeling making its way through my stomach? I didn't like it.
"This is nothing to do with you, Peyton! Yes, maybe you sat on his lap last night but that doesn't mean anything. You two are still enemies and hate each other. Right?"
I gotta stop talking to myself, this is embarrassing.
And then suddenly my phone vibrates, it's Piper message.

Hey, girl. I heard there was this dope party in Hel Town. Dress up!


No excuses!


I quickly get dress for the party and head outside.
Piper drove us to a nearby club. When we enter the club, it was packed with people dancing, drinking, laughing and sights that I have never seen.

"Wow! The place is packed. Who told you about this place? "
"I have my contacts. "
"And those contacts got us in. "
"You bet, come on let's dance. "
"No, thanks. I'm good. "
And Piper left me alone. I was standing near the bar when a boy approaches me.
"Hey, beautiful girl. Do you want me to buy you a drink. "
"No, thanks. "
That boy immediately left. Thank god! I'm saved from that as*hole.
I look around the club when I see a boy. He was really handsome. I don't know how much time passes, that boy caught me staring at him. He walked towards me and said
"I'm Finn, what's your name? "
"My name is Peyton. "
"Nice to meet you Peyton. Actually I'm really nervous."
"Why? "
"You don't look at the mirror very often, do you? You are very beautiful."
"Oh! Thanks for the compliment. "
"So, tell about your self, Peyton."
"What do you want know? "
"What do you want to be? "
"I want to be a lawyer. "
"Wow! That's amazing."
"What do you want to be? "
"I work at a car mechanic store. "
"Oh! I thought you were still studying. "
"I ditched school and did my own thing. I'm still in training but it's basically all I do in life. School could have never taught me what real life work teaches you. "
"I believe you. "
"Maybe you can come visit me at work sometime."
"Yes, of coarse. "
And from the corner of my eye I saw him, Carter standing behind Finn, with that girl. Finn turned around to how I was staring at.
"Do you know him? "

Why the hell is he here?

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