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wtf, i realised this chapter (minus the a/n here) is over 1000+ words and i didn't realise???? maybe cos i was writing it on docs, and it looked so small, so i kept on writing, and the chappie didn't feel finished... well uh, it went from crack to serious real quick- uH- woohoo update streak? ENJOY XIAO FLUFF CHAPTER COS YES- LIKE- THIS WAS WHAT CAME IN MY HEAD WHEN I SHOULD BE STUDYING LMFAO- i'm tired luv y'all haha

so... uh, after saving the living fictional replica of ed sheeran from being choked to death by an anti fatui no zone bro, you decided to take your mind off things by doing the thing you liked.

the least.

and that meant...

going outside.

how wonderful.

anyways, you've decided to go longboarding around this skatepark located near your college. and yes, you're a college student, and yes, you're on holidays right now. thank me later.

ANYWAYS- keep getting off track jeez-

so, naturally, you decided to y'know, dress up nice. as in, wear a good ol' comfy hoodie and some sweatpants with your swag vans, and then wait until it was just over an hour before sunset.

surprisingly, the people staying over did not stop you, and were in fact busy with their own tasks. so that left you with the gift of yummy silence. hOWEVER-

you were stopped by someone. and that someone was your emo boy, xiaoooo-

"and where do you think you're going?"

you rolled your eyes at him, "not you asking where i'm going as if you're going to pull an asian mom and say no-"

"answer the question."

"oKaY OKAY fine, i'm going to skate for a while," you conceded, huffing as you inserted your keys into the front door, "wanna come with?"

xiao hummed as he sported a thoughtful look, "eh, why not. i don't trust you being alone for even thirty seconds."

"damn, that hurt."



"iM JOKING- relax."

"bITCH- not you telling me to relax when you literally stabbed me in the heart with your unfunny jokes-"

"yeah yeah, give me a few."

you waved your hand dismissively as you shooed him off, watching as he swiftly moved to get whatever he needed. after a few minutes, xiao came back with a hoodie and sweatpants too. man's wearing vans too holy shi-

"i didn't know you had wanted to match~" you teased, laughing quietly when xiao's face flushed a little as he huffed.

"one, never been longboarding, so i figured i would wear something similar to you. and two, it's not even the exact same, dumbass."

"i'm your dumbass though-"

and with that, xiao silenced you with a light smack to the back of your head, "let's get going," he said.

you giggled and nodded, "alrighty, to the skate park!"


"are you insane?!"

"hAHA YES- though, really, just join me doofus," you sighed, "there's enough room for two of us to fit," you said as you gestured to the longboard underneath your right foot.

"we're literally going down a hill."

"and?? relax, we're not gonna die, it's a small hill too," you laughed, placing your hands on your hips as you watched xiao hesitate.

𝘄𝗼𝗼𝗳; 𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯Where stories live. Discover now