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Boyfriend - Best Coast

I wish he was my boyfriend
I wish he was my boyfriend
I'd love him to the very end
But instead he's just a friend
I wish he was my boyfriend

Recently, Nick and Charlie had spent a lot of time together. Nick Nelson, the "rugby king," would never date a guy, and Charlie knew that. But that didn't stop Charlie from falling in love with this boy more and more every day. Charlie had always had an odd feeling about Nick, even though he knew he was straight. He doesn't know what it is. It's a feeling.

There were all these little moments. Charlie often caught Nick staring at him.

Charlie would often wonder what Nick thought about him. Nick was different from his friends; Charlie could see that. Nick looked so uncomfortable at every insult that came out of Harry's mouth, especially those directed at Charlie and his friends.

Every day came and passed, and Charlie was getting closer to Nick. They were becoming good friends. Friends. That's all they were, and all they would be. Nothing more.

There's nothing worse than sitting all alone at home
And waiting waiting waiting waiting by the phone
I hope that he's at home
Waiting by his phone
I wonder if he knows
That I want him

Charlie was getting very anxious. Nick had said that he would text Charlie after school to organise a catch-up. Charlie had only been to Nick's once. But that one day was probably his favourite day. He learnt a lot about Nick. How he is very close with his mother. How he has an older brother in uni. That is father lives in Paris.

Charlie tried everything to distract himself while he waited. He tried doing his homework but found himself getting distracted and forgetting how to do the simple algebra equations sitting in front of him. He then found himself with his headphones on, playing his electric drums, but he couldn't even find the right beat.

Charlie wondered what Nick was doing. Was he waiting by his phone? Charlie wondered if he should text Nick himself. He decided against it. His thoughts were wondering around. What was he doing? Does he still want to hang out with me? Probably not. I'm just this gay nerdy little boy. Does he know that I like him?

I wish he was my boyfriend
I wish he was my boyfriend
I'd love him to the very end but instead he's just a friend
I wish he was my boyfriend

Nick was sitting on Charlie's bed playing Mario Kart against him and his little brother Oliver. Charlie was having fun with Nick and Ollie, but he wondered if there could be something more. If they could be something more.

The other girl is not like me
She's prettier and skinnier
She has a college degree
I dropped out when I was seventeen
If only I could get her out of the picture
Then he would know how much I want him

Tara. She was perfect. She was pretty and smart. And Nick liked her. Nick had kissed her. Just as Charlie thought Nick might like him back. He was sitting on the floor of his bedroom, Tao and Aled either side of him, Elle sitting in Charlie's wheelie chair, and Isaac reading a book on his bed. They were looking through Tara's Instagram.

Elle told everyone a lot about Tara. How she accepted her when she told her she was trans. How she and her friend Darcy were so welcoming to her and how they made a little mini group (no, a trio)

Charlie was sure that this girl was better for Nick then he was. He was a mess. He has scars all over his body and constantly had panic attacks. Tara, on the other hand, was perfect. She was smart, pretty and kind. She had lots of friends, and she was actually in Nick's year.

One day I'll make him mine
And we'll be together all the time
We'll sit and watch the sun rise
And gaze into each other's eyes
And know that he knows
I know that he knows
That he wants to be my boyfriend

Charlie was early to school one morning, so he decided to go to his form early. He sat there and wondered what it would be like dating Nick Nelson. They could cuddle and watch movies. Wake-up early morning with a cup of tea and watch the sun rise. Gaze into each other's eyes, being mesmerized by the chocolate orbs staring back at him.

Charlie must have not noticed Nick come in and sit next to him, but he was taken from his thoughts when he heard Nick clear his throat.

I'd love him to the very end
But instead he's just a friend
I wish he was my boyfriend
I wish he was my boyfriend
I'd love him to the very end
But instead he's just a friend
I wish he was my boyfriend

"Are you going to Harry Greene's party on Saturday?"

To Nick, From Charlie :)Where stories live. Discover now