Chapter 2

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"Akira we're gonna be late! Hurry up!" Yuutarou spoke through the door, trying to get his sleepy partner to come out of the dorm room faster.

"Coming. We're not even that late!" the other yelled back as he pulled on a sweatshirt over his head.

"Yeah but it's our first day. We can't be late at all" Yuutarou responded. He sighed in relief as a thin boy with parted dark floppy hair emerged.

"Thank God!", he turned away picking up his bag and hurrying to the dorm door. Akira followed his lover out the door and down the corridor


"Is this our class? Looks like we're on time" Yuutarou said as they entered the vast room, so different from their highschool classroom.

"Told you so", Akira grumbled from behind him.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to drop by early, does it?", Yuutarou shot back cheerfully.

Akira just made a non-commital sound in his throat.

"Hajime said that the middle seats are the best. Hmmm...shall we sit there?", he asked eagerly. Akira simply strode forward to the seats that Yuutarou had pointed out. He just wanted to sit and continue his nap. Yuutarou followed him and dumping his satchel on the desk, they both dropped down onto the plastic chairs.

The room was spacious, sunlit. It was warm, but not hot at the same time. It was the right temperature that Yuutarou liked to concentrate in. Akira too was thinking how suitable the surroundings were for his naps.

"That reminds me, we should tell Tooru and Hajime that we got into class", Yuutarou said as he took out his phone and started tapping. A moment later, Akira's phone in his pocket vibrated. Yuu had messaged in their group, he guessed. It was a group the soulmates had created for the comfort of sending a message for all instead of sending it one by one.

The idea had been of a certain aspiring setter who didn't like wasting his time with per person texting. But they didn't talk about him anymore. He was no longer a part of the group and no longer part of their Bond.

Yuu : We got in class

milkbreadboy : That's great Yuu-chan, where's Aki-chan.

shutupshittykawa : Sleeping

Yuu : sleeping.

milkbreadboy : ahh...Aki-chan should really be taking in his new surroundings.

Yuutarou was about to reply when the row parallel to his and Akira's burst into a sudden cacophony. They were whistling and whooping, and then a boy shouted.

Kindaichi Yuutarou wanted to believe that the shout was so loud that he misheard the name. It wasn't that he whipped his head around and about as soon as he heard the name.


He jerked sideways to look at the group. It was a bunch of boys and girls. Almost all of them were waving or shouting out,




"Hey Saltbox!!"

Kindaichi followed their line of gaze to the entrance of the room. He knew that Kunimi was also wide awake now, and copying his actions. The chat group lay open and unanswered in his hand. It was a wonder it didn't fall out of his hand itself.

Two gingerheads were waving widely. Beside them was a green haired boy, smiling shyly upwards. The bespectacled blonde next to him neither smiled nor waved, but he didn't look particularly miffed out either. Slightly behind him was a raven haired boy who had a hand raised lazily in acknowledgement.

He was different from the two boys memory of him.

In the long break, his hair had grown out a little, long bangs covering his forehead. He was leaner and thinner, especially now that he'd shed his usual school jacket. He was wearing a simple white v neck shirt and black skin tight jeans. A black satchel hung across his torso and his hands were buried deep in his pockets. He usually walked straight but now as he strode forward Kindaichi noticed that Kageyama Tobio seemed to be slouching, as if he had all the burden in the world to carry.

What nonsense! That tyrant and burden? Impossible! he thought, jolting himself out of the reverie. He glanced at Akira. The dark haired youth was watching their ex-teammate with narrowed hard eyes.

But Kageyama didn't seem to have noticed either of them. He had a half smirk on his face as he walked towards their aisle. A girl suddenly got out of her seat and skipped down the steps. When she was but a few steps above him, she simply leaped with a loud yell of,

A look of alarm flashed in the sapphire orbs. It was a foreign emotion in the face of the tyrant that Kindaichi knew Kageyama to be.

The girl, with her hay blonde hair fluttering behind her was airborne for a moment. And then.
She was in Kageyama's arms. He swung her around to balance himself and clutched her close to his body when he regained it.

"You sure enjoy making me work and worry", he grumbled as he clambered up the steps and made his way to the aisle where Kunimi, Kindaichi and the group were seated. Hinata and the others were close behind on his heels.

"heh", the girl giggled as he set her down. She still clung on to Kageyama, until he plucked her and placed her on the lap of another boy with blue black hair.

"Take your girlfriend" he huffed as he put down his satchel and flopped down next to him.

"What's up with you?" the boy asked Kageyama as the rest of ex-Karasuno trooped up and filed into various seats.

"I'm tired. And f*cking fed up because of that damn pest"

"Who? Chiaki? or Shoyou?" the boy asked.

Resting his head on the boy's shoulder, Kageyama huffed "both"

Kindaichi felt a slight twinge somewhere in the depths of his being.

The girl in the boy's lap sat straighter and reached out to touch Kageyama's hair. She ruffled it and then suddenly yanked it. Kageyama's eyes, which had been slowly drooping shut, ripped open.

Oh boy, here it comes, Kindaichi and Kunimi thought in unison.

"What", Kageyama asked softly. So softly that Kindaichi's mouth literally just dropped open.

"Uh huh haircuts in order i see", she remarked in a strict voice, "for the three of you in particular"
She said this while eyeballing Kageyama, her boyfriend and the green haired boy, Yamaguchi.

Swifter than should have been possible Kageyama and the boy scooted away from her.

"Mei no. Absofuckinglutely no. Not my hair you don't" Kageyama said firmly.

"Same here love. I don't plan on getting a haircut in a long time", her boyfriend said placatingly, raising his hands in surrender like.

The girl, Mei pouted.
"Atleast let me style it?"

Kageyama walked back to the seat with the boy following him.
"Sure you can", he mumbled tiredly leaning back. Mei promptly sat on his lap this time and he thankfully put his head against her back and fell asleep immediately it seemed.

The two soulmates watching from the opposite aisle where....confused as to what had happened exactly. Infact, so confused that the sharp stab of an unfamiliar feeling in their hearts almost went unnoticed.

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