Just a thought

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It was a known fact that Ag hasn't
ever felt love. She didn't know how it
felt to be loved or to love someone so
much that she'd do anything for them.
Of course, she loved her friends and
was so grateful to have them, they
were her family after all, but she didn't
know how it felt to be truly loved by
someone. A love she only believed to
exist in movies. She denied it
exist in the real life.

Y/n is not the kind of person who
easily makes friends, she would rather
keep the few friends she has close and
be there for them whenever they need
her. That's what she does, she's there
for everyone, at anytime.

What happens when she realizes
that she's in love with the person she's
known for the longest time. The girl
with blond hair, eyes she could
get lost in and a past that scares her.
She's sure that she is the strongest one
from her group of friends, because she
wouldn't still be here if she had been
the one that had to endure everything
She went through.


"I wish i could explain her eyes and
how the sound of her voice gives me
butterflies. How her smile makes my
heart skip a beat and how every time
I'm with her I feel so complete."

"For once in my life, I don't have to
try to be happy. When I'm with you, it
just happens. Every piece of me aches for you, Y/n."


"I'm okay with your history, Ag. It
made you who you are. And I happen
to be in love with who you are."

I never meant to hurt you/ AG McDaniel Where stories live. Discover now