Part 2

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We arrived at the house that we all are staying in after she calmed down to meet our friends. She was the first to enter, holding the door open for me.

"Finally!" Mia said jumping off the couch, going to Ag hugging her.

Mia "You didn't answer any of our calls i was so worried about you!"

"That's why I went to get her." I
said, smiling at everyone.

"It's obvious Y/n has the balls in
this group." Ayden laughed, causing me
to make a face at him.

"I have the least amount of balls
anyone of you could have" i said

"No, that's not true." Avery joined
our banter.

We kept talking for a while, until
Mia said that we should go to the beach Obviously, everyone agreed well at least that's what I thought.

I was in my room changing when i heard a knock on my door

"It's me" Ag said
"You can come in" She came in closing the door behind her

Ag "Hey"
Ag " I don't really wanna go Y/n" she said sitting on my bed

"Why?" I said sitting next to her
Ag " I don't know i just don't feel like it"

"Come on Ag it would help you take your mind off of things"
Ag "okay i guess"

"Listen you and me we'll go with my car and when you want to leave we'll leave okay?" She nod and gave me a kiss on the cheek giving me the look

"Anna Grace MacDaniel don't give me that look"

Ag "what look?" She said walking off, Mine and Ag's friendship was always kinda flirty but I don't know i felt something.. something weird

We were all sitting on the boat that we rant. I was looking at Ag, who was deep into a conversation with Avery and Ayden. Mia was on her phone, doing God knows what. I looked at her cuts, wondering if they hurt.
I felt my heart get heavier
as different thoughts appeared in my
mind. I assumed she had some on her
body and that was why she didn't take
her shirt off.

"Y/n?" I heard Mia say. I turned my
head towards her. She was standing
over the fridge where we kept all the

"Do you want one?" She asked,
holding up a can. I shook my head.
"Not in the mood, Mia." She
furrowed her eyebrows, sighing.
"You're never in the mood." I rolled
my eyes. I saw Ag turn to look at me.

The moment our eyes met, I felt my
heart start beating out of my chest.
What was happening?
"Okay, maybe I want one." I said
quickly, hoping it would help me calm
down. Mia grabbed the can and threw
it towards me. I stood up quickly,
knowing that if I didn't catch it and let
it fall into the water, they were
going to kill me. I couldn't reach it, so
I stood on the tip of my toes, slipping
on some water that was on the floor
and falling into the water. I held the
can tightly as I went underwater.
Meanwhile, Ag stood up, bending to
look into the water. She reached to
take off her shirt, before Ayden stopped

"What are you doing?" She turned
to look at him, baffled at his question.
"She knows how to swim, Ag." Ayden
"She's been under for way too
long." Her hazel eyes were furrowed while she kept looking everywhere for me.

I went under the boat, hiding on
the other side. I tried to keep quiet,
wanting to see what would happen if
they thought I didn't come up. I was
looking up at them, watching their
faces and reactions. Ag couldn't keep
still, desperately wanting to see my
head come up for air. She took her shirt
off, making me gasp loudly. Her ribs
were badly bruised.
They heard my gasp, but Ag was the
first one to come to see me.
She exhaled at the sight of me. I
laughed a bit.

"Did I scare you mamas?" I smirked as I gave them the beer can. Ag held my
hand, pulling me on the boat.
She stepped away from me, looking at me and my wet clothes.

"You scared me, Y/n." Her confession
made my heart skip a beat.
Why was I feeling like this? I
shrugged, trying to keep cool. She
gave me her shirt in my hands.

"Take this. Your clothes are soaked."
"Are you sure?" I asked her slowly.
"Of course. Take it." I did as she
said. Her smell enveloped my body,
once again making me feel weird. My
heart was beating out of my chest.

Once I got back in my car and i was waiting for her to come, I exhaled
shakily. What was happening to me?

Author's Note: We're slowly getting into the story!! Can't wait!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I never meant to hurt you/ AG McDaniel Where stories live. Discover now