Part 5

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I herd Ag talk with Mia earlier and she said she was going back to her dads house.

I was laying on my bed. I couldn't sleep. Again. I was so used to this feeling, so I just accepted it. I just
tried to not think about anything
regarding Ag.

Just as I finally felt my eyes close, a
knock on my door made them open
again. I sat up, looking towards it.
I got out of bed, going to the door  and opening it, i smiled sadly as I saw Ag enveloped in the darkness of the night. I let her in.

"Sorry for waking you up." She said,
closing the door after she entered
my room.
"I couldn't sleep anyway." I shrugged.
"What happened, Ag?"

It wasn't unusual for her to come to me after her fights with her dad, even if it happened to be night.
I sat on my bed, gesturing for her
to follow my action. We layed on my
bed. It was quiet for a while, letting
her find the right words.

"I had another fight with my dad."
She sighed.
"I figured"
"I had to get some clothes I'd left
there. I was hoping he'd be passed out
or something, but he woke up. I tried
to move quickly, but he came into the
room. After he told me that I wasn't
going to get anywhere in life. I ignored
him until he started getting
aggressive-" She paused at my gasp.
"He was drunk, so he couldn't even
stand up properly." I sighed.

I tried so hard to keep my tears
away. She didn't deserve this. She
shouldn't have to go through these
terrible things. All these thoughts
made me so angry, but sad at the
same time. I felt the tears wet my
cheek. I tried to keep as quiet as
possible, not wanting Ag to find out
that I was crying. This was about her
and I had to comfort her, not the
other way around.

"I'm sorry, Ag." I tried to keep my
voice low, so she wouldn't hear it
tremble. She turned towards me. She
"You're crying, aren't you?" I kept
"You know I hate it when you cry. Especially when it's because of me." She said looking at me in the eyes
"You don't deserve this. You deserve to be loved. You need to-"

"You know I don't believe in love. It
only exists in movies. Real people
don't actually feel this way towards
anyone." She said looking down

"You know that's not true, Ag. One
day you'll see how it feels to be
completely in love with someone, to
not be able to think about anything
else, to see them and feel like you're
going to pass out. To feel their touch
burn your skin, to hear their voice and
feel butterflies in your stomach-"

I cut myself off. I was describing what I felt whenever I was with her. She sighed, turning towards me. She wiped my tears away.

"Thank you." She whispered in my ear.
"For what?"
"For always being there for me." I
sighed, also turning on my side to face
"Always, Ag."

Author's Note: This chapter is
important for what's going to come next!! Hope you enjoyed it!! Please don't forget to vote!

I never meant to hurt you/ AG McDaniel Where stories live. Discover now