13| Brand New Me

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Guess who's back after 3 different antidepressant prescriptions, multiple discussions about what disorders I may have, and 2 break ups


Your P.O.V
In any other circumstance, my mind would only be on how to get Karai back. She's my blood. My last hope for a sane, living family member. My sister. However, it seems like fate had other plans for me. I don't stress at all when I find myself here, on the couch, watching the chaos of my boyfriends family ensue.

It was harmless enough, Mikey's cravings getting the better of him as he adds gummy bears and ice cream onto a pepperoni pizza, Hm, pizza à la mode?..., that belonged to Raphael. Of course, that set the hothead off. Now they run around the lair, sounds such as yelling and high pitched "AAAAAH!"s or "I'M GONNA KILL YOU MIKEY!"s gracing the atmosphere.

I was watching this seemingly frequent scene play out, slightly spacing out while I was at it, until I hear "(Y/N) HELP ME!" with the 'e' dragged out by Mikey.

I snapped out of my daze and see Mikey running towards me. I quickly scooted out of the way before Mikey pummeled straight into the couch and knocked it backwards. We landed with an oof! Raph, as if forgetting why we were in this situation in the first place, looked down over the now tipped upwards base of the couch at me and snickered.

"Not so high and mighty now, huh?" Raph smirked. I took my right foot, the one nearest to his face, and kicked him right in the cheek. Not enough to bruise, but just enough to make a soft contact noise. "Please, you couldn't even finish off your opponent even if you were standing right over them!" I retorted as Mikey slinked away, happy to be "saved" from Raph.

Nice one, pfft. I thought to myself, and then I heard the faintest noise coming from the dojo entrance. Any ninja can say they're the best at being aware of their surroundings, but it takes being a ninja and a loving girlfriend, or family member in general, to know that the noise is your boyfriend silently chuckling to himself.

"Hey Leoooo!~" I smile, and start feeling my face heat up, just the slightest bit. Ughhhh why am I like thissss? Raph rolled his eyes and walked away when my boyfriend started walking over to me. He sat down right in front of me, criss-crossed, and tilted his head a little to attempt to be lined up with my head. "Do I want to know what happened here?"

"Oh, y'know, just the result of your brothers being, well, your brothers." I reply.

Leo has been so... ugh! Perfect? Mature? Understanding? Today, just like most days, he smiles and nods his head to the dojo. He leads me to the center of the carpet and sits with his legs crossed. I follow suit.

Since my semi crazed meltdown, Leo and I have been looking out for each other's mental health. Some times we do breathing exercises, sometimes I talk to him about how shady and awful I feel about the parts of myself that have to do with the shredder, sometimes he talks to me about how being the leader weighs on him, especially in his young age.

Sometimes we talk about things we enjoy, and I love hearing him go on, and on about Space Heroes, as if no one else ever listened to him fanboy about it.

And right now, our usual form of self help, meditation.

Closing our eyes, we breath consistently. I enter the parts of my mind that are troubled, and must be soothed. I tell them everything will be okay. I let the overwhelmingly warm, feel good feelings over come my body and my mind, all while Leonardo's hands and mine were linked, gently. This was something Leo and I learned he enjoyed, together.

When we were done, our eyes simultaneously fluttered open. We smiled in a stupid, young love daze at each other for only a very short moment until Donatello came into the dojo.

"GUYS! The Foot Clan are on the move, and it seems like they're more organized than normal." He says.

"Well," I start. "-that makes sense. The Foot Clan are in full operation now, even more so now then ever. They keep getting new recruits." "The Foot Clan were only ever this organized under your command though. These past few weeks they've been all over the place until now. Not only that, they seem like they're setting up base near the TCRI building! I say we check it out, for all we know, we could have a Kraang Versus Humanity war because of the Foot Clan!"

I look over at Leo and he stands up. "Let's rally everyone up."

The Turtles and I ran across the roof tops, a scene that's played a million times before. This didn't stop me from calculating, every step of the way.

They're at the Kraang Operations Building now? Fathe- The god-awful Shredder has no one on his team than he trusted more than me. They were unorganized while I wasn't there, and now, all of a sudden they're going after another species? What happened? What changed? Who... happened...

Oh god.

Was I finally replaced?

I speed up to catch my boyfriend.

"Leo, I think I was replaced by someone." I tell him. "Replaced? How could he replaced you? Weren't you the best on his team?" He questions. "Well, there's no other reason the Foot Clan would be interacting with the Kraang without either a new, strong leader, or the Shredder himself. I have a feeling whatever we come upon is going to be-" "Big." We finish together.

When we made it to the top of the TCRI building, we peered down to the street below us. We saw numerous soldiers, Dogpound, and Fishface; there was no one unrecognizable.

Until one.

A tall, buff tiger mutant with an eye patch and guns seemed to be my substitution. It had a scowl. Genuinely a force to be reckoned with.

We listen in. "The Shredder finds deep fascination with this substance. He will be pleased to see what we have brung for him." "The Kraang are what is called happy to what is called help."

Huh. "What does the Foot Clan want mutagen for?" Donnie says, somewhat panicked. "Whatever it is, it can't be good." Leo states, scowling at the scene. "That Tiger thing is my replacement, chances are he's the strongest opponent we've had so far." In New York.

"Yeah? Well I say we go down there and stop them before they can do anything." Raph remarks while punching one of his hands into the palm of the other. I smirk at the notion, then look at my boyfriend. "Raph, we're dealing with a hundreds of gallons of dangerous chemicals plus probably an over powered tiger guy. We can't go down there right now." Leo answers responsibly. I hate swooning like a tween and her first crush but I think Leo is an exception. I smile, eyes half lidded. "Well, we need to start planning fast. I'm sure whatever they've already planned is going to be bad." Donnie adds. We all nod, including Raph while huffing annoyedly, and we head home.

Until I see you again, replacement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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