4| Face The Facts.

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Aprils' P.O.V
"That was no where close the art that is ninjutsu. That was force. It wasn't a big deal, I'm not even tired. That wasn't even the 1/4 mark of my full potential. . ." Oh, dear (Y/N), talking about halves of your potential sure does ring a bell with me. You're that mystery girl that saved me and now, I get to spend my entire school year with you! I'm ecstatic, maybe you could teach me some Kunoichi skills! But then again, you have quite an expensive car driving you to and from school. A driver that you don't have to talk to. What's your life like, (Y/N)?

Your P.O.V
I woke up at 1:00 P.M. I was up until 3:00 A.M. last night, reflecting on my life choices and thinking about Leonardo. I rubbed my eyes, and sat up. Once I stretched, I got up and grabbed a towel, a tank top, and some leggings. I headed to the bathroom.
In the bathroom I stared at myself in the mirror.Who is this? Who am I? I turned on the shower, making it hotter than usual. The steam filled the bathroom, and my face faded from the mirror. I walked into the shower and stood there for awhile.
My shower lasted an hour. Of course I washed, but that took around twenty minutes. The rest was just me over thinking or not thinking at all. My fingers where pruned and my skin was releasing steam. I put my clothes on then brushed my hair. When I left the bathroom, the amount of steam coming from the bathroom behind me was like a scene in a movie when the main character is walking away from a smoky explosion.
I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl from the cabinets. I then grabbed some cereal and poured it in the bowl followed by milk. Grabbing my spoon and bowl, I made my way back to my room and sat on the bed. I turned on the TV to watch some Saturday toons. Or in other words, have the TV on to have sound around me while I play on my phone.
8 hours. Not one person came to check on me. And I was fine with that. It was 10:00 P.M. now. Time to go see if Leo is out to play. I quickly put on my uniform, and equipped my katanas. I crawled out the window and jumped from roof to roof. I climbed down a building and entered 24/7. "Hey Mr. . . Uh. . ." "Why hello new friend! They call me Mr. Murakami." He smiles. "Right! I need some more Pizza Gyozas, I'm going to take some for my friend." I say. He nods, and he gets to it. When he was done he packaged them and I payed him another $100. I walked out of the building and climbed to the roof of it. As I was running, a figure grabbed my hand. I quickly flipped the figure over me and slammed them into the ground, the packaged food was not phased by this. My hands covered my mouth in shock at myself and to make it worse, it was Leo. "Leo! Are you alright!?" This is it, you ruined this. "Yeah, I'm fine. But I have to admit, it's not very polite to greet your friends with slamming them into the ground." He chuckles. "It's different if they like it, Leo." I say with a wink. He blushes. Cute. "No but really, sorry. Reflexes, ya know?. . ." I say shyly. "I get it, I shouldn't have snuck up behind you." He says. This triggers an uncomfortable silence. I looked up at him to see his eyes locking on to mine. I felt warmth grow to my cheeks and I look away and hold out the 24/7 bag. "I got us Pizza Gyozas, maybe next time I could bring us Pizza." "Really?! That would be!- I mean, that would be cool. . ." He says, trying to sound cool. I giggled. "It's alright to be a nerd Leo." I say which earns me a huff from him. We sat down by the ledge and I took out the Gyozas. We both break apart our chopsticks and I pull down my mask along with my hood. I bit into the pocket of joy and wonder, but pulled it away when my paranoia sunk in. With out turning my head, I say "It's not polite to stare Leo." He looks away, embarrassed. "R-Right! I just. . . Although I respect your choices and I understand why you make them, I guess I would enjoy it better if you never had your mask on and you didn't have your hood hiding your face." I blush and smile at him. "Awe, Leo, didn't know you enjoyed looking at me so much!~" Leo falters. "And in other news, you never take off your mask, so I see this as unfair, Blue." Leo straightens his back. "Hey! In my defense, I look weird without my mask, and you know, you're not bad-looking yourself." He says with a smile, until the realization sets in and he realized what he had just said. "I mean, your n-not terribly ugly- wait I mean you look fine- I mean!-" "Leonardo, although I would love to see you babble and freak out forever, I'll cut you loose and say: Aw you think I'm cute!" Leonardo blushes "You're beautiful" he mumbles. This sets me off. I put my Gyozas to the side of me and he repeats my actions. I pounce. "That's it, your mask is coming off!" "Wait-" I push Leo over and straddle him. I take his mask by the tails and pull it over his head. He stares in complete shock. "Hot." I said, half a joke and half instinctively. He still stares. That's when I realized the position we were in. He's on his back with me straddled right above his waist. I blushed a dark noticeable red and held Leos' mask close to my chest. That's when he snapped out of it and pushed me over. "Give me my mask back!" He said, a smile growing on his face. "Never!" I reply, having giggles start to form. I pushed out from underneath Leo and ran as fast as I could. He chased after me, so close I could feel his breath upon my neck. I suddenly just dropped to the ground which sent him flying over me and he landed with a THUD while his groans could be heard. I walked back over to him, feeling bad that he hurt himself. I reach my hand out to help him out, only to be pulled down besides him and he crawled above me to snatch the mask. Dazed, the mask was returned to it's rightful owner and he landed back down besides me. We both had a laughing fit, I couldn't breathe! After awhile, we settled down and I looked at him. He turned to look at me. "What?" He asked. "Do you have a number I could reach you at?. . . I basically wait all day just to come and hangout with you, so texting would be a great alternative. And!- if you wouldn't mind, we should meet here at 11:00 P.M. every night!" I say with a blushing smile. He grins back. "Yea, give me your phone."
After we exchanged numbers, I changed his name to the blue heart emoji. Using his name would be too dangerous if my father looked through my phone. Suddenly, Leonardo bolted up. "The Gyozas!" I bolt up as well, and we ran other to them. Leo straight up popped one into his mouth. "Mmm- Still good!" He says with a thumbs up. I giggle and join him. We both finish our Gyozas and then I laid down. Leo copied. "I see that you use two different personalities, why?" I sigh and continue to look up at the stars. "To hide weakness I guess? Although, I guess it's just the separate part of me that comes out whenever. . ." I look over to Leo. "Do you like my big personality or. . . Nerdy me?" Leo smiles. "I like you, all of it. I think you've been using your big personality less around me, but you've found times to incorporate it at appropriate times. I love that. You're just so fun to talk to, and I enjoy knowing you and being near you." I sat up, and Leo did the same. Smiling we looked into each others eyes, closer yet closer then closer. Breathing. . . The rise and fall of our frames. . . "Oh for gods' sake." Leo smashed his lips into mine, and I kissed back. My eyes were closed, I felt the world around me soar by. My heart was beating with a fiery passion, it made its' own song. Still in sync, my body crawled onto Leos' lap, not once breaking the kiss. My arms went past his shoulders and I started to fiddle with his masks' tails. Leonardo wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt like I could change the course of time, I felt power and weakness. What seemed like an eternity that ended too soon, we finally broke the kiss, panting. We looked at each other, blushing. Leonardo freaked out and scooted backwards, bringing me partially off him. "I'm sorry. . . I didn't ask or I didn't even tell you anything-" "Tell me now then, Leo. Don't apologize." "I'm in love with you (Y/N). My mind kept trying to steer me away from it but there was no denying it. I was and am deeply in love with you, and you wouldn't get out of my mind. I'm sorry, you probably don't feel the same way." To this, I responded with another passionate kiss, but it was shorter than the last. "Leonardo, how could you assume that I didn't feel the same way? I was really into that kiss." I say. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck with a smile. I could tell a million things were running through his mind. "Leonardo." "Y-Yes?" I grabbed his hand. "(Y/N), would you want to be my girlfriend?" He says, looking at me with those eyes that I know too well. "Of course!" I respond and hug him. He wraps his arms around me in return. "Oh shoot!" I exclaim, making Leo jump. "Sorry," I chuckled nervously "It's late, isn't it?" I grab my phone and look at the time. 1:56 A.M. "I have to go now, it's late and I'd be surprised if they hadn't thought of me in this time!" Leo jumped up. "Your right! No doubt, my brothers have noticed I'm gone." I smile and grasp his hands. "Text me, alright?" I say in almost a whisper. He nods, and I run off. "I love you!" He yells, to which my heart skipped a beat. I continued running however, not responding to him.
I make it to the lair and crawl through the window of my room. I change into my kimono. Surprisingly enough, there were no notes or engravings asking about my whereabouts. I crawled into bed and turned off the lights. Bing. I reach over to grab my phone. I brought it to my face, blinding myself in the process. From the blue heart, I received a "Hey, (Y/N)" I smiled and responded. "Hey Blue, what's up?" "Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you some more." "Awe, I missed you too. Are you home safe?" "Yeah, are you home safe?" "Yep! I'm in bed now." "Oh, were you sleeping?" "Not exactly. Were your brothers mad?" "They interrogated me." "Sounds fun." "It was awful! Raph is mad at me now." ... "(Y/N)?" ... "(Y/NNNNNNN). . .?" . . . "OH. sorry I fell asleep- ahah." "lol, you should get some rest." "Talk to you tomorrow?" "Promise." "I never break promises, Leonardo." "Neither do I." "Alright, goodnight, Leonardo" "Goodnight, Love." I smiled and put my phone down. I got under the covers.

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