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I stood under the twinkling lights. They were just so breathtaking. I couldn't imagine a better night with the most amazing people. Being my last year of high school, I wanted to make every moment count. "Carm!" called my friends. I quickly jumped back into reality. "Carms, you're gonna miss out!" called my friend, Rebecca. She and I had been best friends since junior high. I had moved from New York, out to LA because my dad was a music producer. I didn't really complain much because I was definitely more of the California type of person. Of course, I did miss my Jersey shore, but nothing beat the California sun. I loved the beach scene and was definitely more of the summer wear type persona. After moving into LA, my family settled down in a beachfront house down in Malibu. My dad wanted the privacy and my mother loved the ocean breeze. I didn't object. It was definitely different than my typical New York penthouse, but I didn't mind. I loved my bedroom that had a balcony to overlook the beautiful ocean. This was like paradise to me. I had finally found the place where I truly fit in

My friends pulled me towards the edge of the cliff, and I stood along the railing. I looked out to the beautiful valley I now called my home. I could see the downtown lights, and the famous Disneyland off in the distance. I looked down and saw the famous Beverly Hills and the beautiful Santa Monica Pier. I loved this city, and I never wanted to leave. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Hey boo," greeted a familiar voice. I turned and saw Anthony, my boyfriend of two years. He and I had been friends since junior high, and when junior year of senior high began, Anthony had finally gained the courage to ask me out. He was my best friend, and now my boyfriend. I loved him so much, and it kind of hurt to think about our future. Anthony had received a soccer scholarship to Stanford and was already packed and ready to go later this year. I was staying here and attending UCLA for a soccer scholarship also. We both loved soccer, and I was determined to make the Major League. My dream was to make it onto Team USA and play at the Olympics. I was on the path to success, and my dreams were coming close to reality. The only downfall was that Anthony and I weren't going to be together, and he was my everything. We hasn't really spoken about our futures, avoiding the possibility of break-up. We were living in the moment now that our futures had already been set. "Carm, babe! Look!" said Anthony. I looked up and saw tons of meteors pass through the sky. Mr. Hertzsprung was right when he said that tonight was going to be the best night to watch the sky. The meteor shower was incredible. Watching the meteors glide above LA made me love the city so much more.


Author's Note...

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile...I've been quite busy!  I had my spring break and when to....NEW YORK!!! Wooot!!! It was amazing, so yeah, I haven't really had time to update.  Plus i've been working on my other story.  Grad year's also kinda hectic, so when I can, I'll try to update!!!

Love you all!!! XOXO - Megan

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