Chapter 2

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Author's Note...

Okay, so it's a little bit longer...I'll try working on it so that my scenes are a bit longer...

Enjoy! :)


I woke up feeling a tad bit dazed and confused.  I looked to my iPhone 5 and quickly got up.  “Shit!!!” I exclaimed as I ran to my ensuite washroom.  I ran to my walk-in-closet and pulled out my soccer uniform.  I put my brunette hair up into a ponytail and slipped on my jersey, number 1.  I put my socks on and then grabbed my maroon soccer cleats.  I ran down the stairs. 

“Mom! I’m gonna be late!” I exclaimed as I ran into the living area.  My mother was sitting on the couch watching some show on TV.  “Mom! I have practice!” I exclaimed.  “Your father’s got the car! He has to go into the studio today,” said my mother still focused on the TV.  “Okay…can I get breakfast?” I asked.  “Yeah sure,” she said.  I stood there unamused.  I walked into the kitchen and sighed as I put my soccer bag down. 

“Why so sad mija?” asked Laurena, the house help.  “Mom’s being fixed on the TV again,” I said.  “Don’t worry mija! She’s just resting before she goes out again!” said Laurena.  “Yeah…her regular Saturday routine…” I said.  “Yes Mija, now go sit and I’ll prepare you something to get your energy started…” said Laurena.  “…I need to leave like now Laure!” I said.  “Not exactly…your coach phoned and said that practice was being moved an hour back,” said Laurena.  “Laure! You could have told me!” I exclaimed.  “I thought that’s why you were sleeping Mija,” teased Laurena.  I laughed.  I honestly loved Laurena.  She was like a mother to me.  After all, she did technically raise me. 

I loved my mother too, but sometimes she was just way too obsessed with having the right friends and upkeeping an image.  She and dad, I guess you could say, were on the rocks.  I hated to admit it, but my dad was always so busy with work that my mom had to fill the void.  She did that by socializing with other socialites, and attending banquets and dinners.  She was literally the stereotypical rich mom.  I loved her to death, but sometimes I felt so distant from her.  I hate to admit it, but sometimes I feel as if my parents may be drifting apart too.  Mom’s so busy with socializing with the right people, and dad’s always busy with his job.  There’s never any time for them to enjoy eachother’s company.  The idea frightens me, yet I’m also still okay with it.  At Harvard-Westlake, most kids’ parents are divorced anyways.

Laurena handed me my breakfast and I quickly ate it.  After eating, I thanked Laurena and then ran upstairs to finish getting ready for practice.  When I was in my washroom, I heard my phone buzz.  It was Rebecca. 

Hey, you’re coming to practice right? 

I responded to the text. 

Yeupp, leaving right now! See you in an hour! 

I finished up and then ran down the stairs.  “Mom! I’m leaving!” I called out and then headed out to the garage door.  I walked over to my Lamborghini Gallardo LP560-4 Spyder.  I absolutely loved my car.  It was a present from my dad once I had passed my license test.  It definitely got male attention, but I loved my baby for its drive.

I drove down to Studio City which essentially was an hour away from Malibu.  When I pulled into Harvard-Westlake, I parked by the fields and then grabbed my things for soccer practice.  I looked over into the distance, and saw film crews.  Film companies were always at the school working on projects and such.  I walked towards the field and saw the girls stretching.  I ran over to Rebecca and then sat down and pretended like I had been stretching this whole time. 

“Dude! You’re late by like 10 minutes!” exclaimed Rebecca as she stretched herself out.  “ mom was being a little…” I started.  “Ignorant…yeah mines too!” said Krista.  We stretched out and then Coach Martin called us in.  “So ladies, we have a game next week, and it’s a home game.  It’s our final game this season! I want you ladies to give it all you’ve got!” said Coach. 

We all listened and nodded as we sat on the field.  I looked over to where the equipment was, and Jack, the team manager was standing over by the soccer balls.  He had graduated from HW 3 years ago, and came back to help manage and coach the team.  I had to admit he was extremely hot.  He came back to train with LA Galaxy and was on the rookie roster, and he was here part time just to help out. 

“We’re playing our biggest opponent, Flintridge Prep who’s ranked first above us in the PSAA (Private Schools Athletic Association), and third in all of LA,” said Coach Martin.  “Don’t let that discourage you ladies! I know you can do it! We just need to work out a couple minor kinks in our game play, and that’s why we have Jack here to help all you ladies out,” said Coach Martin.  We all smiled and then Jack walked over.  “Also a big congrats to Carmella who’s won a full ride scholarship to UCLA for soccer,” said Coach Martin.  All the girls started clapping and Jack looked at me and smiled.  I smiled back and then looked back to coach.  “Okay ladies, it’s time for practice…let’s get some laps in,” said Coach as he blew a whistle. 

We all ran onto the track and started jogging.  Rebecca and I jogged together and finished the five laps we were required to do.  “Ladies, it’s time to work on skills I see you all need a little help with.  Rebecca head over to the net and all my forwards work on shots while defenders defend against the forwards.  Line One Midfielders work with Jack please.” Said Coach Martin.  The whole team pretty much went over to Coach Martin and I walked over to Jack.  No one else had walked over to Jack. 

“Where’s the rest of the mids?” I said confused. “I guess they all called in sick?” joked jack.  I laughed.  “Coach, it’s just Carm and I…” called Jack, but Coach Martin was too busy talking to the girls.  “Okay then, let’s work attacker,” said Jack.  “Alrighty, sounds good!” I said with a smile.  Jack grabbed a couple soccer balls and then lined them up.  We practiced ball handling for what felt like hours.  There were several times when I’d be ball handling and Jack was the defensive player, so we’d collide all the time.  I laughed a lot and teased him tons. 

Finally coach called a water break, so I ran back over to the side of the field and grabbed my water bottle.  I sat down beside Krista and drank my water.  “So you and Jack have a solo session eh?” asked Rebecca.  I smiled.  “Yeah…” I said.  “Better not get too touchy over there…Anthony’s gonna be here later!” warned Rebecca.  “Don’t worry, it’s all training…plus I’m sure he has a girlfriend,” I said.  “Break’s done! It’s time to scrimmage!” said Coach Martin.  Line two quickly put on pinnies and then I stood by center.  “So where are all my mid fielders?” asked Coach Martin as we all lines up in our regular positions.  All the girls mumbled to themselves.  “Where’s Taylor, Annabelle, and Maxine?” asked Coach.  “I think they have auditions for stuff…” said Erin, one of the juniors.  “Then we’re pulling people up to first line because they missed practice,” said Coach. 

Taylor, Annabelle, and Maxine were the other midfielders.  I sighed and then looked over to the junior team who was sitting down on the sidelines.  “Okay ladies, fill in…” said Coach Martin.  I watched as 3 girls ran onto the field.  They all went googly eyed when they saw Jack.  I stood at center ready to play the ball.  “Okay ladies, let’s run some plays!” yelled Coach as he blew his whistle.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2013 ⏰

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