Part 15: Protective Nature.

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(mmmm time for Shinobu's feelings to come out and her constant control over her own emotions begins to crumble. Maybe she's falling. Maybe she's just protective. You'll probably find out in the future~)

"We only have one room with two beds, Ma'am." The man running the front desk said. A small child ran around the corner of the desk and straight to the duo. Shinobu crouched and smiled at the boy, confused when she noticed him shaking. The boy opened his mouth to say something but his father yelled at him to return to the counter. Shinobu could swear she saw the fear of god in the little boy's eyes.
"No need to yell, it was quite alright." Shinobu said while standing. She offered the man some money, not bothering to continue the conversation. The pair slowly walked up the stairs to the third floor, briskly walking down the thin hallway.

"We're being watched." Tomioka said over Shinobu's shoulder. The woman slightly jumped, as she wasn't focused on the man being behind her in the slightest.

"I know." She whispered back.

"Just act normal." they had slowed their walking pace now, passing by a couple doors as they reached the end of the hallway, and their room.

"How are we supposed to act 'normal?' This whole place is weirding me out." Giyuu replied as he pushed open the door.
"I don't know. Just, let's do some recon around this inn. I don't know why, but that kid... something is wrong with this whole thing. Maybe..." Shinobu said as they stepped inside, her quickly closing the door behind her and locking it. The large man flopped onto one of the beds, dropping his sword on the table as he relaxed for a moment. The exhaustion fully hit him at once, and his body somewhat collapsed. Shinobu dropped her sword as well as putting several small vials of anonymous liquid down beside it.

"You should go out tonight and gather recon. Come get me if you" He yawned mid sentence, face already buried in the pillow.

"If you need me..." Tomioka said simply, his voice trailing off as he fell asleep.
"Ara ara, Tomioka. Really falling asleep so easily on a mission? What if I'm in trouble?" The woman said mockingly, jabbing him with her hand.

"Tomioka?" The man didn't so much as stir, the only movement being his large body's rhythmic breathing.

Jeez... He must actually be exhausted. He went out like a light. I wonder what you do that would make you so tired, Giyuu. Shinobu quietly rolled off of her bed, landing on her feet with almost no noise as to not wake Giyuu. Despite the fact he was sleeping on a very important night, a part of her mind knew it was best to let him sleep. He seemed more tired than usual. She double checked the lock on the door and then pulled apart the dark blue curtains to reveal a dark night with heavy clouds. The rain had slowed greatly, and she could see people moving between buildings under the cover of umbrellas.

Perfect time for a demon to come out... The hustle and bustle of a busy town, under the cover of rain and the pitch black night sky? She opened the window, sticking her head outside and looking at key areas: alleyways, rooftops and dark or abandoned buildings. Even so, she saw nothing anywhere. She grabbed her sword and several vials, before she got a running start and leapt out of the window, clearing the street below and landing on the roof across from the room.

A nice entry and exit strategy. The roof is high enough that people won't notice us being up here, but low enough we can easily look around for demons. She stared down at the street below, hopping from rooftop to rooftop around the block or so of buildings trying to look for something, anything... but nothing. The missing persons reports came from this part and this part only in the town, so it was highly unlikely the demon had moved just as they arrived. She had been searching for around an hour up and down the several streets surrounding the inn when she decided to finally turn around and return to her room. She could get some sleep, and maybe talk to Tomioka tomorrow morning about this mission and where it should lead. As she neared the building, her mind dragged something into the front of her mind, something she still decides to pretend she hates.
I could get in bed with him when I get back... That little voice in your head that loves chaos, spoke loudly. Shinobu pondered the thought as she jumped rooftop to rooftop, genuinely considering it because it would be funny. His reaction the next morning would be great, thats all. Unfortunately, after landing on the nearest roof, Shinobu caught some movement in the corner of her eye, inside the inn. It was the owner from earlier, he was inside the room beside her and Tomioka's looking around for something. He was carrying something or Someone on his shoulder as he moved, but he quickly exited the door- which she realized had been broken inwards.

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