The Difficulties Of Being Me

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It took longer than I would've liked to explain everything but there was just too much drama and misery. Honestly I skipped the worst parts, particularly my punishments. In the end I didn't finish everything, I just became exhausted, which is where I'm at right now. I'm currently being treated and pampered like a bloody baby! I'm anything but a child! But the anger is short lived. I don't really have the spare energy to stay angry right now.

I watch as Estelle walks toward me with a worried expression on her face. I guess my injuries are worse than I thought. I can hear Agustus and Asteria bustling around the room as well, my vision is a little blurry and unfocused right now. It's starting to make me a little panicked, Estelle puts a cool rag on my head. I honestly don't even remember laying down.

"Severus, it'll be ok, I promise." She squeezes my hands together in reassurance, but I can feel her anxiety radiating.

I know my injuries are from the night before but mum treated them, why is it causing so much agony, I start writhing in pain.

"Hey Severus, Sev, look at me," Estelle held my face gently in her hands. "I need you to move on to your side so we can clean the wound and reapply fresh bandages and medicine. It's going to be a bit difficult, but I'm going to help you and so is Father." I only now seemed to realize that Agustus was right next to me, when had he got there? I must be really out of it.

Unable to really speak, I nod my head as best as I can. Soon I felt two sets of hands holding on to me, "Alright Sev, 1..2..3!" Quickly I was picked up and rotated on my side, the pain was so much it was numb for the first few seconds, but after a moment it hit me full force, I did my best to grit my teeth and not scream.

My skin felt like it was on fire and every inch was drenched in sweat.

With Severus flipped on his side Estelle, Augustus, and Asteria can treat the injury. Asteria being an expert in medicine, and one of the best healers at St. Mungos. Carefully she cuts the fabric glued to the boy's skin by blood, revealing the mess underneath. Hundreds of scars of all sizes, some were fully healed and changed to different colors ranging from light pink to almost white, others looked months or weeks old but due to not being treated properly are still barely healed with large pus pockets. But the worst of it stretched from his right shoulder diagonally to his left hip. Several large whip lashes still gushed blood through the rather well put together bandages, the dark blood dripped onto the couch as soon as the bandages were removed.

"Augustus help me clean the injury, get the salt water and alcohol solution, I'll get the water and rags, Etstelle get the bandages, and my surgical cart." The woman's delicate voice seemed hard as steel as it demanded with absolute confidence. She was at Severus' side in seconds and began her work immediately, Augustus assisted, helping to gently wash the skin and rinse it with the saltwater, shortly after sanitizing it with the alcohol based solution. After they could clearly see everything Asteria and Agustus became more worried, they knew the injury would be bad but not to this extent, they shouldn't be surprised though with the life he's lived.

"Asteia, we may need to take him to St. Mungo's...his case is life threatening, and there you will have access to everything you need. I know we have problems with them, but Severus' life is at stake."

"Yes, you're right, whatever I have to do to save him, we owe it to Elieen. Estelle hold on to him, Augustus, " she nodded to the man, he held on to Sev as well and apparated them all to the hospital.


The four appeared in the center of the entrance, landing Sev right into a stretcher, as comfortable as he can get. Of course the healers and apprentices recognize three of the four and immediately they seem to hatefully ignore them.

Anathema - A Person Or Thing Detested Or LoathedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora