Part Three: (ok gimme a bit I can't think of a name)

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(warning for injuries such as cuts and burns)

Kennith's eyes were burning, he couldn't speak if he tried, and a buzzing sensation was running through his body, leaving him nauseous and weak.

Pushing last the pain, he opened his eyes to get his bearings. His TV setup was right next to him, but it was completely demolished. They were crushed down like a soda can. Wires were strewn across the ground, practically burned into nothing. Shattered glass covered the ground, and a significant amount of it was blackened as if it was burned as well.

Surprisingly, his microphone wasn't too damaged, but the wire connecting to everything else had been severed completely.

After seeing the damage to everything else, Kennith glanced down at himself. He hadn't even noticed the pain from his new injuries thanks to the overwhelming buzzing sensation and general shock, but seeing the wounds sparked complete awareness of himself.

The searing pain from his burns and cuts was unbearable. Sure, he was in better shape than the TVs, but it still took everything he had not to scream. He couldn't keep the tears back, though. They weren't all from pain, after all.

I deserve this, don't I? He thought, miserably. After all, what I was planning to do would have caused so much more pain than anything I'm feeling right now.

His self-pity was quickly replaced by terror as he realized something.

The broadcast.

The world around him disappeared as his mind ran through dozens of questions that he didn't want the answers to. What happened to that sick broadcast? It was almost definitely over by now, considering the state of his equipment, but who knows how long he could've been out before he woke up? Someone could've gotten ahold of it. Power like that could be devastating in the wrong hands.

In the hands of someone like me. What the hell was I thinking? All of that to get revenge on some bullies? Please. I probably deserved all of that, too. The universe is probably trying to punish me...

Kennith quickly lost himself to guilt, crumpling under the weight of the things that he had dared to even consider doing.

This went on for minutes, allowing the people behind the walls of the nearby houses some time to regain mobility, and a certain couple had temporarily forgotten about their tension due to the shock of what had happened.

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