A Friendly fight

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The classes went by as slow as a snail could move. Ridhi frequently checked her watch and it seemed like minutes almost passed like hours. But she tried her best not to sleep and make a fool out of herself again.

And the teachers weren't helping either... they sang such smooth lullabies and she noticed that most of the boys were like her, walking the line between half dead and alive. Reality became blur and her eyes felt so heavy as if rocks were resting on them.

Oh Shit

Just then the teacher called out to a boy named 'Kaushik' to ask about his achievement of winning the first place in the Science Olympiad. Ridhi too followed the teacher's line of sight to see who he was talking to. Her eyes widened and her drowsiness went *poof* like someone splashed a pail of cold water on her.

The boy she hoped was single when she first set her eyes on him. The 'history book boy', the namesake nickname she kept for him got erased and now he registered in her mind as 'Kaushik'.

So he's one of the smart ones. Huh

She burrowed her face in her palms and dreamily stared at the 'Greek God' of a boy who was apparently sharing his whole journey from being a clueless first grader to becoming the most accomplished 'Olympiad' champion.

He was literally talking for hours.

Ridhi couldn't actually understand what he was trying to say. But it didn't matter to her as she completely ignored listening to him (volume mute) and just admired his looks.

The other students used this opportunity to drift off to dreamland. Soon the whole class went utterly silent. Just the sound of Kaushik talking and Mr. Nadhan asserting him, visibly regretting the decision to let the latter talk in the first place.

"Good ... g-good Kaushik, your story must have definitely inspired everyone, that they will all enroll their names in the Olympiad next year. Isn't that right everyone?" Mr. Nadhan hit the table in front of him with a bang which woke up the student sleeping on it and with that the class were one by one departing from dreamland.

Nitin looked clueless, like when sleeping beauty woke up from her slumber. The teacher grinned at him with blazing eyes. Nitin gulped and stood up.

"Yes, Mr. Nitin..... nice that you stood up. So... from Kaushik's story, can you tell me which part inspired you the most?"

Nitin knew something was gonna happen to him today. The washed away crowshit stain on his shirt reminded of the first incident that happened to him that morning when he entered school.


"Sir. You know that I'm a big fan of our Kaushik. I even hang his pics on my wall. Everything that comes out of his mouth is inspiring to me. It would be a great betrayal to my conscious if I just select my favorite part and crop out everything else," Nitin couldn't hold back his laughter when he spoke and neither could the class. Soon they all burst into laughter when Nitin sent finger hearts to Kaushik which was reciprocated.

Mr. Nadhan had no other choice but to sigh in defeat and make him sit down. He already drained his battery listening to Kaushik.

Just then, the bell rang liberating the exhausted Mr. Nadhan who quickly regained his energy when he stepped out of the classroom. The students who already packed their bags instantly fluttered out like butterflies. As Ridhi walked towards the door, she saw Kaushik getting up and coming towards her, and time stopped once again. The sound of his shoes became clearer.




And just like when you see a pothole on the road and drive around it, Kaushik swooped past the statue of a girl standing in front of him and high fived Nitin who was right behind the girl who still stood there .... like a statue.

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