This is weird

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She needed to switch off her shyness and amp up her confidence. The impression must be impeccable she thought.

Little did Ridhi know that she actually came across as weird than approachable.

Her smile was CREEPY.

This made people act even more ignorant when she passed by them.


Huh... I'm screwed.


"You there"

Ridhi turned to the direction of the voice calling her.

It is Nitin. And opposite to him, sat Kaushik carefully picking out the peas from his pulav.

Jolt of nervousness passed through Ridhi like electricity. But she knew how to act totally unbothered.

She mechanically walked towards them, holding her tray as tight as possible until she came across an empty chair near Nitin. His group of friends stared at her like she was some alien from another planet.

"Hi to the girl who fell from the chair on her first day of school", joked Nitin who made everyone laugh with his strange greeting.

Flustered Ridhi need no time to reply back.

"Hi to the boy who has posters of Kaushik in his room."

The girl beside Nitin lost it and laughed out loud which made the cafeteria silent for a bit while the others bent down to control their muffled laughter.

Kaushik let out a smile and covered his face with his palms, slowly his smile grew into laughter.

Nitin turned back to the crowd and urged them to continue with their business.

And finally the cafeteria is brought back to the previous bustling atmosphere.

"You completely embarrassed me. But total respect. I knew you were a wonderful addition to the group from the moment I saw you," said Nitin as he tried to close the laughing girl's mouth as she protested.

"Hello everyone! I'm Ridhi"

Ridhi shakily addressed the group when the laughter died down. She sat down in the chair and placed her tray on the table.

"Hello... I'm Neha," the long haired girl seated on the right of  Ridhi extended her hand which is reciprocated.

"Yo.... this is RV"

The funky looking guy with braids next to Kaushik made a peace symbol with his fingers

Ridhi let out awkward smile.

"Aravind Pillai, you can call him by his full name."

Kaushik smirked and Aravind hit him on the shoulder playfully.

"I guess you already know my name. The olympiad champ. The most popular guy in school."

Kaushik boasted as the girl beside Nitin shot death glares at him. And the group synchronously gave out a sigh.

"Don't mind him. Kaushik is always joking. Funny guy."

"Hi I'm Josephine. Nicknamed Jojo"

Kaushik leapt and stole Jojo's banana milk as she introduced herself to Ridhi.

"Hey give that back you prick," cried Jojo and reached out to him but it was too late as he downed everything in one gulp.

Jojo scowled at him.

"Where's my chair?" An unknown  voice emerged behind Ridhi.

"Oh hey Kabir. Sorry..... new girl took your chair."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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