Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I was awake before everyone else, and I was just laying there on the floor. I glanced down the hall to see Cinnamon eating her food. And the cat was sitting on his new cat stand by the guinea pig cage. I got up and threw my pillow into my room. I decided, since I’m not going to be home for a while I should tidy up my room. I threw all of my blankets and pillows on the floor and one by one, laid them on just right. After I made my bed, I went to the breezeway and grabbed the broom. I closed the door a little louder than I should of because I forgot that everyone else was still asleep. I walked back down the hall and into my room and began sweeping my floor. I heard my mom walk up the steps and into the kitchen to get her morning coffee.

“I’m sorry if I woke you.” I said as I walked into the kitchen.

“It’s ok. I was getting up soon anyway.” My mom said in an unbelieving tone. “Do you want some coffee?”

“Sure, I’ll get the creamer.” I said as I opened the fridge and grabbed the caramel mocha creamer. “Here ya go.” I handed her the container. And then she handed it back after pouring it in the three coffee cups in front of her.

“Do you want me to make you pancakes? Waffles? Eggs?”

“Um… Sure. How about eggs and toast.” I smiled and sat down at the table with my cup of coffee.

“Ok.” She put her cup of coffee to the side and out from under the sink, she grabbed the pan. Then she made me my eggs and toast just the way I like it. Crispy toast with scrambled eggs and American cheese. Yum.

I heard another person walk up the steps. Then from down the hall, Tad came around the corner all groggily like. He headed towards my mom and reached around her, grabbing his cup of coffee. Then he sat down in the chair next to me and sipped his coffee and yawned.

“Morning.” I said to him.

“Morning. How’d you sleep?”

“On the floor.”


“I slept next to Cinnamon… But that was later on in the night or early morning…” It was silent and Tad nodded. Then my mom handed me my breakfast and sat down at the table with us.

“So… When are you and the girls planning on leaving?” My mom asked with a sad look on her face.

“Around three. Gram is coming to pick us up.” I said. Looking down at my plate before I took a bite.

“I see. I heard all of the family is going to be there on Sunday… We will come down as well.”

“Okay! Good. Then I can see you more, and you can see the family and spend time with everyone as well.”

It was silent so I started to eat my breakfast. Stopping every once in a while to look at them both and drink some of my coffee.

“This is really good. Thank you for making it for me.” I said, smiling at my mom.

“You’re welcome sweetie.” She smiled and got up to go to the bathroom.

I finished eating and was putting my breakfast dishes in the dishwasher when Little Tad came around the corner and hugged me.

“You didn’t leave yet!” He screamed.

“Nope. Not until later.”

“Yay! We can play together. I want to play Lego’s!” Tad yelled and hugged me again and then ran to his room.

I sighed and sat at the table until I finished my coffee. Then I went to the hallway and sat by the guinea pig cage. I then opened it to grab Toby-Muffin. I opened it and attempted to get him but he was very squirmy. So I waited. And just stared at him until I thought I could grab him. I reached my hand in and grabbed him. I closed the cage with one hand, holding Toby with the other. I held him against my chest. Talking to him always made him calm down. So I talked to him and hugged him. Then I lie down and let him climb all over my stomach. Tad came out of his room and opened the cage so he could grab Hannah from the cage. After he got her, we both went into his room to let them play in there.

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