Ok so The Golden Trio is back and Malfoy got a punch in the FACE

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Ok so The Golden Trio is back and Malfoy got a punch in the FACE

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@ChickenchickenCHICKEN A punch can even make the farthest friends together again💗

@QueenWeasley Did my brother just put a heart emoji, wow, Luna how did you do it?

@Detension It wasn't me, Malfoy was doing this acting of Harry falling from dementors looooonnnnngggg ago and Hermione got mad and punched him in the FACE

@MyfatherwillhearaboutTHIS My father will hear about, ow, Granger where did you learn to punch like that, I couldn't even complete my punch line, ow, my father will hear about, ow! My poor, poor jaw, ow!🤕

@Smartgurl Well, I am more than a smart gurl

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag Impossible!

@QueenWeasley Well growing up with Fred and George, you sort of think that anything is possible, if you've got enough nerve

@Gred Aw

@Forge Sisy

@Gred We

@Forge Never

@Gred Thought

@Forge That

@Gred You

@Forge Will

@Gred Learn

@Forge From

@Gred Us

@Forge We

@Gred Are

@Forge So

@Gred Proud

@Forge We

@Gred Could

@Forge Cry

@Gred Happily

@Forge 😂

@Smartgurl First of you said pretty much all of that wrong, grammatically, secondly that's a laughing emoji, not a crying one

@Forge Still the same thing

@Smartgurl No it isn't

@Gred Well, Hermione your username has a grammatical error in it

@Smartgurl 😑

@QueenWeasley What I was trying to say is that nothing is impossible if you've got enough nerve

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag But Hermione doesn't have the nerve

@QueenWeasley You arrogant toe rag!

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag That's not me, that's my dad, James Potter, I'm Harry Potter, the boy who lived, the chosen one,

@QueenWeasley And an arrogant toe rag

@Thesonofanarrgoanttoerag That's my dad, I'm an non-arrogant and non-toe and non-rag person

@ChickenchickenCHICKEN Even I know you made a mistake there Harry

@Smartgurl It's THEIR!

@ChickenchickenCHICKEN Fine! Even I know u made a mistake their Harry

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