Talk between the Third Wheelers

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If I could get a pound every time I feel like a third wheel, I would be rich

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@Thsonofanarroganttoerag Nice, but I would richer than you, I have been friends with Ron and Hermione my whole life

@QueenWeasley I spend more time with them! And with Neville and Luna 

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag I guess that makes sense...🤔 but I know how to handle it

@QueenWeasley How?

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag Give attention to me offcours!

@QueenWeasley 🤦‍♀️

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag Although it doesn't work sometimes😅

@QueenWeasley The years of being a third wheel keep on increasing😔

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag 😞😔

@BFFofChoChang Ever since Michael and Cho started dating, I have been a third wheel!

@QueenWeasley My ex is dating Cho?

@BFFofChoChang Yep

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag So she doesn't like me?

@BFFofChoChang Yep

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag YES!😀😆

@ThirdwheelforeveR I have been a third wheel since first year

@QueenWeasley I have been since I introduced those two to each other

@ThirdwheelforeveR And that was...

@QueenWeasley In second year, talk about awkwardness, they kept on arguing if nargles existed

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag Well, Ron and Hermione argued so often that I got so sick of them, since first year!

@QueenWeasley Well, I had to endear long silences with both of them staring at each other or continues talking about nargles. Did I say talking? I mean arguing! And now they sit together and make love!

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag ...

@QueenWeasley Sorry, that came out wrong

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag Too wrong




cause to be loved or liked.

"Flora's spirit and character endeared her to everyone who met her"

So either you used it wrong or 2=1

Anyway Cho and Michael keep talking about how both of you are so bad that you two deserve each other, I'm not even joking

@QueenWeasley You're lucky my brother didn't hear you say that

@Padfoot I was a third wheel for Lilly and James

@Moony I was a third wheel for you and James

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag That was long ago

@ThirdwheelforeveR I am still a third wheel and I have to see a lot of cuteness and fluffiness

@MyfatherwillhearaboutTHIS My parents try to make love in front of me, never work

@Thesonofanarroganttoerag  How are you alive?

@MyfatherwillhearaboutTHIS No one knows

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