The Old Ones Chat

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Sirius-Bold Remus-Italic 

Hey Snape

What Black?

Do you like her?

I have no idea who you're talking about



Severus is offline

It was worth a try Sirius

I suppose so, why won't he just tell that he likes Lilly

What makes you think that?

Because he called her mudblood and he  never called Lilly a mudblood and Snape was trying to apologies to her and, the evidence all adds up!

Just give it some time

I just want to find out and-

Why are you doing this?

Because I care about James and Lilly

Then how does this help them?

I don't..I helps them...I don't know

I know what you're going through Sirius, grief. It happens to all of us

But it's been so long since their death, it's hitting me harder now than before

Sirius listen to me don't ever hide your grief because at one moment you will crack and the tears won't stop

Ok but how

You already know

Remus is offline

Oh what a great way to leave your friend Remus!🙄 but I now what?

Sirius is offline

Few hours later




Snape likes Lilly

He does?

Yeah...and it's alright

I thought you'd be mad at me but you seem to take this all calmly didn't even try to hid eit, you and James trying to kill all the people who want to ask Lilly out for a date

I suppose...

And it's alright, who cares anyway, the past is the past

I'm glad you got the past behind you but what about those heart things were they true

No, I just wanted to annoy those Bloody Slytherins 


Never expected that off you Severus 

You never know everything about me😏

Wait aren't you working for the Dark Lord?🤨

No, I'm a double agent


Meaning that I'm one your side

Are you serious?

No you're Sirius

Ha Ha Ha🙄


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