New Bestfriend

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Walking in to collage was terrible, to say the absolute least. Stares and whispers are echoed around the dusty halls of the small collage, and I suddenly felt as though I'm back in high school, with rumours being passed around so fast I cant even defend myself.

"I heard the baby daddy's a drug dealer!" I hear a girl whisper urgently to her friend, who just looks over and smiles patronisingly at me, not knowing or not caring that I heard them.

"Well, I heard that it's someone who goes to this collage" Another speaks, not bothering to quiet her voice down, probably wanting me to hear and react to it. And I do.

I freeze. It is someone that goes to this collage, but who the hell told them that? Panicking, I walk faster down the hall only to bump into someone in my rush.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaim, nearly falling straight on my backside, until I'm caught quickly. Looking up to my hero, I see the tall, blonde girl that sits in front of me in English lit and always sends me a small smile whenever she walks into the room.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaims dramatically. "I can't believe I nearly knocked over a pregnant woman! What the hell is wrong with me! I should of been looking where I was going, it's totally my fault I'm so going to hell..." She groans the last part and I have to hold in the urge to laugh at her rambling.

"It's okay" I shrug it off and send her a smile.

"Now your making me feel even worse!" She whines, laughing at her own dramatic attitude. "Nina, right?" She asks me, an eyebrow raised.

"In the flesh" I smirk lightly, before noticing that I don't know her name..."And you are?" I feel bad for not knowing her name after she knew mine, but hey! I'm a unobservant person, don't judge me.

"Oh, my names Katie" She smiles warmly down at me, before it turns almost pained as she looks over my shoulder, looking at a boy and girl kissing passionately against a wall.

"Ex boyfriend?" I assume, putting my hand on her arm, soothingly.

"Ex boyfriend is a bit if a understatement..." She trails off looking down to me, finally tearing her eyes away from the scene. "I think me and you have a lot more in common than you think, Nina Williams" She says this, linking my arm tightly.

"What your pregnant too?" I joke, shoving her side playfully.

"Not at the moment" She winks before continuing, "I was, in high school, and the boy you see sucking face with that slut, is my baby daddy" She sighs sadly.

"Oh my..." I trail off, not knowing what to say. "Does he know?"

"Of course he doesn't!" She exclaims, rolling her eyes, although my question was silly.

"You need to tell him!" I fire back, not happy with her decision of not telling him.

"What's the point? I gave my beautiful baby girl up for adoption, to make sure he was happy, but I lost him anyway, because I said it wasn't his baby making him think I cheated on him" I take in her words, my eyes filling up with warm tears. "I regret it everyday, I know I should of told him the truth, but I was scared. But now I'm alone, and I don't know what's worse. Losing him, or losing her...and I also have no idea why I'm telling you all this"

"I've just got one of those faces" I joke lightly, but my thoughts wonder off into what she's just told me.

Will this be me? Regretting not telling jai when I had the chance and losing him forever? Questions rake through my head, causing a frown to be placed upon my face.

Katie, noticing this, smiles sweetly down at me, pity in her eyes."You look stressed. You know that's not good for the baby Nina" She scolds me, shaking her head at me disapprovingly, her mood swing giving me whiplash.

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