Waking up

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Opening my eyes is difficult at first. A bright light is directly above my head and is making me strain my eyes. but all this petty worrying gets pushed aside as a sharp pain in my chest makes me gasp for air.

"She's awake!" I hear my mothers calming voice exclaim from beside me. Eyes open I suddenly realise where the fuck I am.

The hospital.

"I need to get out of here" I mumble to myself sitting up sharply, I start pulling at all the wires around me but just get stopped. "I need to get out!" I panic to the nurse in front of me, worrying about my horrible scars being on show for my whole freaking family to see.

"I'm sorry Nina but your not-" the nurse starts speaking to me to only get cut off from someone screaming my name.

"Nina!" It's my Bestfriend. It's Beau.

"Beau?" Tears of joy start running down my face and I can't help but hug him as he stands beside me. He's here, for me. "What happened to me?" I ask suddenly noticing that I don't even remember anything, except from the water.

"The water" I gasp out frantically. Taking a deep breath and calming myself down I ask the question that everyone needs the answer too. "What did I do Beau?" I ask him not really wanting the answer.

"You fell in the lake and nearly drowned"

Woah don't sugar coat it at all beau!

"Shit!" I exclaim and hug him again. Hearing him mumble over and over how much he is sorry makes me feel good and bad.

Good because the stuff he said was horrible and totally uncalled for..so I'm happy he's said sorry.

And bad because well...i sorta nearly died on him.

I look around the room and look on each and every persons face and just get disappointed when I see there's no jai, typical. "I am so sorry for putting you though all this crap, and I want to know who saved me?" with this everyone freezes, so obviously my mom takes over.

"It was that lovely boy who came to the hospital a few times, erm I can't remember his name..." my mother ponders about the name and I suddenly grow irritated.

Mood swings much.

"Ah yes, that charming lad jai. Lovely boy. In here nearly every day, cares a lot for you Nina. Be good to hold onto this one" My mother as she says this doesn't understand the tone of her voice is making me seem like a complete slut.

Just like my real mother. Apparently.

The tension in the room could literally be cut with a knife until. "I've got the coffees! two with no sugar one milky and-" Jai seeing me awake and happy drops all the remaining drinks and just stares at me in wonder.

"Hi Jai" I try and break the tension but hearing my voice must of made something go off in his mind because as I say this he literally sprints over to my bedside and hugs the shit outa me.


"Never do that to me again" mumbles into my neck. His words make me feel warm and fuzzy for a moment or two but then I suddenly remember what he did to me. Pushing him away I glare at him.

No, he's not aloud to look at me like I'm his.

"You do not get to touch me ever again" I spit up to him tears welling in my eyes. "Now get me out of this damn hospital" I grumble annoyed at myself and Jai.

"Nina Williams! Do not speak to a person who has just saved your life in that manner!" My mother explodes to me with a shocked face.

Oh fuck off woman I don't have time for your morals!

"Nina!" this time my dad shouts. "I will not except that language in front of me and your mother" he scolds me.

Did I say that outloud. Ooops. :/

Authors note//

Thankyou for your amazing reads and votes It means so much to me thanks x

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