1 - Russetshine

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A/N: Doesn't Waterfall fit? You know, because RiverClan. This takes place before Firestar was kitted, and therefore before the lake territories. Also, I just deleted Grammarly and I hope that my writing will be better without it. Lastly, there will be a loner who has no idea what gender is, and their name is Rain. Hopefully, my writing has gotten better over the course of two years. Have fun reading this fanfic about an elementary/middle grade book series!

Russetshine drew a paw over his ears, brushing the leaves out of his reddish-brown fur. It would be a while before he had another good night's sleep with Asterclaw haunting his subconscious. He always woke up from nightmares, terrified for his and his Clan's life. Nobody else knew, other than Mountainstar, leader of RiverClan. The two were alone, their shared fate in the paws of Starclan. Last leaf-bare, both Starlingsong and Smokestar were lost. RiverClan was devastated, and nobody could remember when a Clan lost both medicine cat and leader in one season. It was newleaf now, and as Russet breathed in the warm scents of returning prey, he was almost convinced that everything would be alright. Almost.

"Russetshine!" A shrill voice came from outside the sheltered medicine den. "There's something wrong with Yewkit!" Russet jumped to his paws and raced out to the camp, where a crowd was gathering. As soon as he forced his way to the center of the group, Russet's eyes grew wide with shock as a limp brown scrap came into his view. "Yewkit!" Rosewater wailed at her kit. "Please," She said, spinning to Russetshine, "Save her!"

The red tom quickly checked Yewkit's pulse, then stood back onto an onlooker's tail as he jumped back. "I got you!" Yewkit mewed as she leaped up, fur messily sticking out on all sides. Russet hissed, irritated.

"Yewkit, what were you thinking?" Russetshine chastised. "You scared the fur out of everyone here!" Yewkit's tail drooped as Rosewater wrapped her tail around her kit protectively. Russetshine sat down, already feeling quite tired for sunrise.

"Thank you, Russetshine. I should've thought to check if she was fine before yowling like a startled blackbird and waking everyone up." Rosepetal said between licks on Yewkit's head. "She's the only one of her litter who survived, and..."

"You don't have to apologize, Rosepetal." Russetshine replied, internally wanting to go back to a dreamless sleep. "Any other queen would have reacted the way you did." He let out a yawn.

"Russetshine." A voice came from behind Russet. The scent of mud and the faint memory of warmth curled around his nose. "What happened here?" It was Umberwisp, the medicine cat's mother. Shine flicked his tail, feeling his pelt grow hot under the brown she-cat's sharp gaze. 

"Just a scare, Umberwisp. Nothing you need to be worried about." Russetshine mewed, getting to his paws. "I need to check on the Twolegplace anyways. The catmint needs to be protected for next leafbare." As he walked off to the entrance of the camp, Russet tried to ignore the murmurs of his memories and the cats he was leaving behind.

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

A/N: Well that was a short chapter. Only  620 words. Barely got past my goal there. In the next chapter, we're going to meet my personal favorite character. And then some important plot details will happen. My goal for each chapter will be at least six hundred to seven hundred, but if I can get more than that, I'll be happy. Either way, it feels nice to be writing non-academic stuff again. By the way, I might not be able to update for a while after this. Coming up with a plot is hard, and I'm doing it along the way!

Thanks for reading!

Russetshine's DestinyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora