3 - Wrenstar

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A/N: The last chapter was short. A bit too short..

Adding on to that, why did I make her look so cool?? Admittedly, Mountainstar looks a little scruffy, and I think I'll redesign him later, but Wrenstar as a human would be so pretty! Okay, onto the chapter. Also, now that I think about it, Wren is my favorite character so far.

Wrenstar looked over her Clanmates with pride. ShadowClan was stronger than it had been in moons, after WindClan attacked them to steal their young. They made up in the end, but Wren didn't intend to let WindClan get off the claw so easily. She had a plan. When WindClan was weak in Leafbare, ShadowClan would strike! But not soon. ShadowClan's defeat was still fresh in all the Clans' minds, so they must wait. Waiting didn't mean giving up, after all. Suddenly, Wrenstar felt a weight on her shoulder.

"Jaywing. Get off." Wren grumbled. Her mate responded by smushing her face farther into Wrenstar's dusky gray fur. "By StarClan..." she grumbled. "I need to call a Clan meeting. Go away."

"Alright, alright. But if you made that up, I'll be upset!" Jaywing mewed, making a fake disapproving face at Wrenstar. With that, the silvery blue tabby hopped off into camp. Wren sighed. (As much as a cat could sigh, at least.) Jaywing was affectionate, and Wrenstar wasn't always used to being treated like a normal warrior anymore. 

How long had it been since she was appointed leader? Ten, twenty moons? Maybe even more? Wrenstar didn't see the point in counting at the beginning, but now she regretted it. Wren quickly tried diverting her thoughts onto something else, but failed. She had hated Icestar when he stepped down due to him believing he wasn't fit for the role any longer, but now Wrenstar was feeling the same. Always the crushing doubt that she would never be a good leader. Nothing could be done about it. 

It was best to ignore the negative emotions. Bottling them up would do no good, Wrenstar knew, but what other option did she have? How would she even begin to let her worries out? No, as Clan leader, Wrenstar was to keep her Clanmates safe and happy. No need for her to bother them with her insignificant woes.

Wren realized she had been monologuing for so long that Jaywing had begun padding back over to the Highrock.

(A/N: can't remember ShadowClan's form of Highrock, sorry.)

"All those old enough to stalk through the shadows gather under the Highrock!" Wrenstar yowled, her voice ringing throughout the camp. Immediately, warriors, elders, and apprentices began to crowd below. Wrenstar allowed herself a small smirk as she watched her Clanmates. Good. They are strong in numbers and in spirit. 

"As you may know, certain members of our Clan have reached six moons." Two kits exchanged glances excitedly, their mothers looking up in pride. "Duskkit, Icekit, please step forward," the siblings padded to the center of the clearing, their fur neatly groomed, tails sticking straight up.

"Duskkit, your mentor will be Jaywing, and your new name shall be Duskpaw, for the path your paws are on now." The newly renamed Duskpaw touched noses with her new mentor in delight. Despite her faults, Jaywing would be a good mentor to Duskpaw and teach warrior skills well.

"Icekit, your mentor will be Clearlight," A light gray she-cat padded forward, her yellow eyes wide with slight surprise. "Your new name will be Icekit, for the path your paws are on now." Icepaw and Clearlight touched noses.

"Before this meeting ends," Wrenstar went on. Murmurs of surprise came from all directions. "Farpaw, step forward." A mainly brown calico she-cat wobbled forward, unsteady due to shock.

"You have done well in the recent battle against WindClan." Farpaw's mentor, Larkstrike, a brown tabby, nodded in agreement. "With this, I grant you your warrior name. Farpaw, you shall now be known as Farsight. May you bless ShadowClan with your cunning and intelligence." Wrenstar mewed. Quickly, the Clan began chanting Farsight's new name.

"Dismissed." Wrenstar leaped down from the Highrock and retreated to her den for the night. She had done patrols the whole day, and only allowed herself time to think, eat, and call a meeting. Wren closed her eyes, far too tired to wait for Jaywing.

A/N: I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out! It's a lot longer than the others, that I can say for sure. Sorry for not updating! School's been hard on me. However, we've climbed the ranks! Thanks to those who have been reading since June! :)

755 words.

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