2 - Mountainstar

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A/N: Oof, he looks tired. Again, credit to Felidaze_Felidform's wonderful picrew! I'm not sure how I would be able to depict the cats in this story without it. Anyways, this is Mountainstar. He's not old, but was involved in a battle for Sunningrocks as an apprentice, which resulted in his scar. Fun fact: his warrior name was Mountaindew. Let's just say he's not exactly too straight either ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Mountainstar padded back into camp, trying and failing to ignore the stinging in one of his paws. He had stepped on a thorn, and a deep one at that. Umberwisp, one of his senior warriors, had told him to visit Russetshine's den. Suddenly, a red clump of fur flashed past him. Umberwisp looked up, having gone ahead of Mountainstar to inform her son of the injury. At this Mountain rolled his eyes, thinking it was just a little thorn. Now, he limped around, wincing with each step.

"Mountainstar!" Umberwisp called, wobbling over. She was getting old, Mountainstar noticed. Soon, she would move to the Elder's Den, and live out her days happily. As far as the leader knew, he wouldn't have that peace for a long time. "Why in the name of Silverpelt are you still standing up? Go rest in the medicine den!"

Mountainstar rolled his eyes internally. Umberwisp wasn't in the Elder's Den yet, but she was sure acting like it! He winced as his paw made contact with a stray branch, pushing the thorn in a little more. A kit stumbled up to him, squeaking in apparent horror. "What are you doing?"

"Yewkit!" Rosewater yowled, approaching the trio, barely stopping herself before she crashed into Mountainstar. "I'm so sorry for her, Mountainstar. She's been acting up so much recently! First she scared the fur out of us this sunrise, and now Russetshine is upset with us-"

"Rosewater, wait." Mountainstar stopped the queen's ranting. "What was that about Russetshine being upset?" In his head, he groaned, as the thorn would be stuck for longer. However, Mountain was the leader of RiverClan now. He had to be responsible, and that meant not complaining about little issues like thorns when the Clan needed to be fed and the fact that there were rumors flying around of WindClan planning to ask for more territory.

"Yewkit had a scare at sunrise... I think Russetshine's upset with her, and he needed to go out for a walk." Rosewater mewed in response, kneading the ground anxiously. A tiny head popped out of the nursery.

"Mountainstar! Mountainstar! What happened at the patrol? Are you okay? Where's Russetspot?" The little kit rambled on until Yewkit stumbled over and swiped at him with sheathed claws.

There was movement at the corner of Mountainstar's eye. Padding back into camp was Russetshine, along with an unknown cat!

A/N: I fixed the ending to seem less abrupt. Also, the new kit is planned to be important to the plot. 

483 words

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