Part 20

47 1 2

*Smut... immediate!!
*Drug use 
*Alcohol use

2 months on tour

                                Madrid, Spain

"Fuck yes!!!" Mack screams as she orgasms while riding Sebastian.

It was three in the morning and Mack and Sebastian had snuck out of their hotel rooms and onto the tour bus. They were currently staying at a hotel that was sold out, so people had to bunk up.
Since Loki was such a tight ass, it was all girls together and all the boys together.
So they took full advantage of that big empty bus sitting in the parking lot.
Now, they were fucking like wild animals, enjoying the privacy and freedom to be as loud as they needed.

"Fuck! " Seb yells as he cums, not too soon after Mack.

Mack giggles and climbs off of Sebastian. She starts putting her pajamas back on, that consisted of a large t-shirt and under wear.

"Where do you think you're going?" Seb says while grabbing mack and laying her down on the pullout dinner table in the tour bus.

"I'm putting on my clothes and going back to my room." she says with a smirk.

"Come on, don't leave me yet. You know I love it when you're loud and this is the only time I get to hear you." he says giving her his best puppy eyes.

"As much as I enjoy ruining every inch of this bus... I also like sleeping, my love. It's my second favorite thing to do." she says with a wink.

"Fine, if I have to let you go, I will." he says pouting.

"Don't worry big boy, you'll be fine." she says getting up and making her way towards the door.

Mack and Sebastian had spent the past two months fucking in every hotel they were in, doing drugs, drinking booze and making memories to last a lifetime.
They were constantly sneaking off somewhere to steal a moment together, a moment, a kiss, a fuck, whatever their hearts desired.

"You're coming to the show tonight, right?" Seb asks Mack curiously.

"Of course I am. I always do." Mack responded, giving him a smile and a kiss before walking out of the bus.

The next morning Mack and the band were in the hotel bar having breakfast and chatting about tonight's gig, when out of the corner of her eye Mack saw a young daughter and father laughing together at a table near by.
She looked over and watched them for a moment, thinking of her father. Growing sadder every second.

Four years ago

"Dad, don't worry!! I'll be fine." 18 year old Mack yelled to her father from upstairs in their London home.

"I just want you to be careful, darling! You're going to a party where there will be teenage boys and I don't want you getting hurt!" Freddie shouted back nervously.

Mack walked downstairs so she could talk to her father in a calm voice and explain to him that she would be fine.

"It's just a small party, with my friends. I'll be ok." she told him sweetly.

"AND YOUR BOYFRIEND! Who, by the way, could be your father! He's more age appropriate for me than you!" he said loudly. Clearly unhappy.

"I know you don't like that he's older, but he's a good man. Thirty-five isn't even that big of a deal! It's only seventeen years. It won't matter when we are sixty and seventy-seven!" she snapped back.

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