Chapter 2. Get those boots

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If just a minute can change a life drastically, in fifteen months a whole new life could be created. November rains are not joke in Boston, everything is damp and foggy. The city actually looked like the set of a Stephen King's movie. Trixie couldn't understand who would want to have a wedding in such conditions.

        This didn't fit well with her 10 years plan for the perfect life. At twenty four years old, she expected to be one of the stars of the production company she works for, not the assistant of one of the most influential talents. And she doesn't understand how singing in her boss's cousin's wedding, fit on her job description but here she was. At least she is working on making herself visible. You never know who is at this parties.

"Smile, you look like an old grumpy lady"
"Shut up Kimberly! At your age, the cats smell you like new home"
"You bitch! I'm not the one longing for the magic princess that mysteriously disappeared"
"That was a long time ago"
"Every time we have a wedding related event you are specially cranky for whatever reason.'
"I am not!"
"Sure bimbo, maybe this is the night"
"I met her in Chicago more than a year ago Kim, not in humid stupid Boston. Now help me fix my makeup"
"Let me fix your brows! You kinda look cute when they are even"

    Kim was her best friend, together they managed to get out of Chicago and work for an important company in New York. As her roommate, she knows exactly for how long Trixie has been mourning for that magic night. But Trixie likes to think that is in the past. That it was just the way for her to learned that magic doesn't exist. This year she didn't make a wish in her birthday, this time she is going to work and just work as hard as possible for her dream life.

    Most of ZPC company was there for the wedding. The place was full of celebrities, entrepreneurs, influencers, artist and politicians. The only thing that seemed out of place were the dozen children dressed as fairies. They were just part of the forest mystical vibe for the party, no more than props. But they were distracting, running all around the venue without control.

    Jinkx, Shea and Trixie were in charge of the show before dinner. The group started with a mix of 80's songs, and then everyone got a solo. Trixie exchanged her guitar for the autoharp, to play one of her favorite songs, "Video Games" by Lana del Rey. She modified the original version to a more country style melody.

       Some people turned around with curiosity, a bunch of men looked at her like part of the menu and some others just made casual comments about the performance. At the very front, was the tiniest of all the fairies, a baby that was barely capable to stand on her own. A beautiful blond girl with ringlets, tiny red lips and the biggest blue eyes that seemed full of tears and emotions. Her dress was different form the others, it was a white dress with an iridescent underskirt, that had wings made of a pale pink fabric and no shoes. The little one actually looked like a magical creature mesmerized by Trixie's performance. And the singer could see how her little body was responding to the music. With the last cords Trixie closed her eyes and opened them at the touch of tiny arms hugging her legs. It was a really sweet and cute gesture and Trixie reached to hug her back. She felt like the girl was trying to tell her something.

" so so so sorry she is really emotional" A blond skinny woman with short wave hair apologized to Trixie while taking the little girl in her arms. The mother Trixie presumed. "I hope she didn't stain your dress or something.." The woman sounded truly concerned.
"It's ok, she is love..Ka..Katya?"
"Oh god! Tracy" Katya smiled and looked at Trixie with tenderness. But Trixie's heart jumped with a feeling close to disappointment. Her mysterious woman is now a mother and she acted like nothing happened between them. That magic kiss was nothing, because of course magic is not real.
"" Katya tried to speak but they were interrupted one more time.
"Yekaterina you finally came out of the cave"
"Violet, I would say is a pleasure to see you but I'm not so sure"
"Are you going to make some boots for me or you still playing the mama bear role?"
"You know I don't love anyone enough to make those boots, specially not you"
"Oh! You are trying to hurt my feelings but I don't have any"
"That is correct!"
"Come on Yekaterina cut the crap! You used to be amazing. Don't waist that brain of yours playing the perfect mother. We both know you need to create to stay out of the looney bin"

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