Boos-Part 3

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Then we watch the clock and slowly we move close the clock and  watch the time is 3 o'clock P:M. Then we zoom out from the clock and watch one man coming in a rush and saying, do you find anything about them. Then one man replied sir we already check every hotel near that area, then he stop and then sir says but. Then he says but we could not find anything about him. Then after listening to him he started throwing stuff and says find them faster or no one will be able to find you. Then he replied in a stumbled voice yes sir. Then someone call sir and at first, he was scared but he picked up the call and says yes sir. Then we listen to that person on the call saying I'm going for a meeting and when I come back everything going to be again normal. He immediately replies yes sir and cut the call. Then he again starts shouting at everyone.

Then Arnav replies 4:00 PM. Then Kabir says we have to leave. Then after a few seconds, the one who is looking for Kabir. He comes with his Boss in the same hotel. Then they enter Boss says Raven go and check. Then he goes straight toward the receptionist, takes the guest list and starts checking every room. Then someone knocks on the door, then both Kabir and Arnav immediately went to the washroom. Then Prabhas open the door and he saw the receptionist with Raven. Raven asks him some questions and starts checking the room. Then Prabhas says what is going on. Then the receptionist replied sir this is for a safety check-up. Then suddenly Prabhas saw Raven going to enter in the washroom but he did not react after when he came outside the washroom. He says everything is normal and thanked Dr for your cooperation and they left.

              Then Prabhas close the door and immediately turn back and saw both standing behind him. Then Kabir says we have to leave. Then Prabhas slightly open the door and looked lift door was opening and from the lift, two-man came out with guns. Then Prabhas immediately close the door and tell everything. Then They immediately take out guns and point toward the door. Then we watch that two man coming with the boss and they going to open the door. When they opened the door and we watch no one is standing there. Then he close the door and we watch that opened door is a sign door that next to his door. Then Prabhas slightly open the door and saw no one is there but then that man come out of the room. Then Prabhas immediately close the door. Then Kabir tells them something in sign language. Then he asks them for time and Arnav tells him 6:45 PM. Then Prabhas opened the door and saw two men moving here and there. Then Kabir signs them to go outside. Then they both go very slowly and choke them from behind and slowly lie them down.

Then Kabir comes out and then we watch Raven going to leave but he realises in Dr room window was open and also a blanket on the sofa. Then we see Kabir opening that sign door slowly and he saw a girl lying on the bed in a black bikini. Then he enters inside and points a gun toward the girl and signs her not to speak. Then she covered her body with a bed sheet and then someone come out of the washroom fully naked and not even wearing underwear. Then Prabhas and Arnav enter and say covered yourself with something. Then we saw Raven call him and he was still on the 2nd floor in the lift. Then Kabir says Pick up the call and when he picks up Kabir signs him not to speak. Then Raven says they are in next door and then he cut the call. Then he says Arnav you are working with us. Then he says yes I am and point a gun toward Kabir. Then he laughed and says what now Kabir. Then he calls Raven and says we captured him. Then Kabir says very loudly, tell everyone I am coming for her. Then he slaps Kabir then suddenly Arnav shoots the gun at that man leg. Then Kabir slaps him and says maybe he is working for me. Then Kabir shoots him in his head. Then we saw lift door opening and Raven rushing towards the boss room. While running he take out his gun and when he open the door and saw his boss's dead body lying on the floor and that girl is crying in the corner. Then we saw Kabir and his friends going out from the back door and his car is next to that door. Then they sit in the car and left from there.

To be continued...

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