Back in hell

46 2 6

Why didn't I notice I was a one too?
It's true that I only had the saving of Eri in mind, constantly reminding myself that one of us would have to die, for the other to survive, but did it really have to be like that?

Would Eri agree to that? Of course not, she would want the both of us to find our happy ending together, alive.

I knew it hurt to loose a loved one, even more then to have a million bullets fly through your body effortlessly, stabbing you in every way possible.
But you know what would hurt even more?

Holding the gun to your head, not trying, not believing, not trusting,...not wanting?

For gods sake, how could you be so blind! How could you have even considered leaving Eri alone in an unknown world, full of dangers and mischief.

As you walked next to Overhaul in the alleyway, Eri in your arms, you couldn't help but think about the blonde, muscular boy. How he held you with such caution, how he dripped confidence, confidence you didn't have. Of course you would have him in mind, the very first person you met in the outside world.

(AN: So I know I said that he was the very first person, but she of course also had seen her mom as a child, just like, in a long time you know?)

They say to not judge a book by its cover, for what's inside matters, but in the end you couldn't lie to yourself, the first thing that caught your eye when you looked up to him were his, filled with pride, hunger, anger, confusion, and a part of you recognized a worried expression.

So that's how normal people are huh? Complex, kinda cold but welcoming, well, in a way or another. He did look kinda annoyed, but proceeded to try and keep you aswell as Eri safe. Sadly that didn't help. Just like bandaids aren't going to help your injuries after Overhaul would be finished with his punishment.

Looking up to him, you caught the eye of the mad man. He looked away after sparing you a glance, that meant as much as: "Your actions have consequences. Be ready when I pick you up."

In other words: I'm going to torture you till midnight, then when you pass out, I'll go take a bath while you get thrown all bloody in your bed next to Eri, so that she gets teriffied. He truly was a mad man.

Normally you wouldn't mind the glance or sometimes even a long ass stare, but not in front of Eri. That was just straight up mean and bitchy of him. She already had much to think of. You saw how she held onto the green hero, just like she held you after a round of experimenting: terrified, scared, confused, sad, betrayed.

Just a little girl that doesn't see an end of the suffering, you could think. But she was so much more: a talented young girl with many creative ideas and plans, a beautiful complex smile rarely seen, she just needed discovery, help, ....a future....

You heard the door open and some employees pleading to Overhaul. Not a second after, a scream and the drop of a body was heard. Of course he would kill them. He was nothing without the projekt, the bullets, without us.

You laid a reassuring hand on Eri's head, while going around the corpses, trying to show Eri as little of the scene as possible. When you arrived in front of your door, Overhaul left with an unpleasant expression, hands bloody.

You had about 3 minutes alone in your room, just before Overhaul would come. He hated getting his hands messy, and you knew that. He would for sure give you an extra punishment alone for that. It happened often, but this time was different. This time, you weren't sure if you were going to survive. The both of you have never gotten as far as communicating with a free human, and on top of that a Hero. What was I thinking? He wouldn't kill me... or maybe he would? I don't even know why I was searching for humanity or a soul in him. That was when you remembered his quirk. He could just revive you after the torture.

You had really hit a nerve there. Walking down the hall to the "office" you heard one of Overhauls helpers preparing needles. As soon as he noticed my presence he threw a disgusted look at me, before handing the needles and such to Chisaki (overhaul's real name).

You couldn't help but have sympathy for the man. He had a family, a daughter, mother and wife, he practically had to do this. Overhaul had held the familys of his employees hostage, forcing them to enroll in his "clan".

You stopped yourself in your tracks, remembering that if this situation had taught you one thing, it was that you sometimes had to think selfish. It was just that it's somtimes a little hard, when you have a good heart. Something that wasn't the case for Chisaki nor his employees.

Overhaul dimed the lights creating an even darker aura, snapping you out of your thoughts. He pointed to the chair in the center of the room, putting on white gloves that fit perfectly on his long thin fingers. His fingerknuckles now hidden, the ones that shined bright red because of all the punishments.

'Lets get this over with' were your thoughts as he walked back to the corner of the room to get the chains (not meant like that, y'all dirty) so you couldn't even try to escape or use your quirk. What he didn't know was: you wouldn't try to. Not anymore. You already showed Eri potential escape routes and everything, just in case. Now, if you would die, atleast you would have somewhat of temporary peace....
What you couldn't have guessed was that little Eri was next door the whole time..
1006 words!! First of all I'm sorry that this chapter had less words, I've had some exams in the past week and have a upcoming one in some days 😓
I also noticed the book had 22 reads?!? Like what thanks!! It really helps a lot with the motivation for the next chapter. Speaking of next chapter I'm going to upload it in less than a week again! I'm going to try to upload it in the next few days if possible:)
I still have to begin writing it tho...
Please tell me what are your thoughts about the chapter, and tell me wich character you would like me to write a fanfic about!! I take commissions! :)
(P.S I'm also going to send this chapter to my english teacher, hope she likes it! I think she didn't find my account yet)

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