Chapter 6: Strike Three

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Hey everybody! I know it's been a while, but I got some good excuses. For one, I actually moved out on my own and moving was a bitch! I just recently got wifi for my house, so I can send stuff to my beta reader whenever I want instead of once a week. And Xbox Game Pass, my old PS3 along with getting a good controller for it letting me play Persona 4 and 5, The Sly Cooper saga and Infamous 1, 2, Festival of Blood again! And of course, work has been kicking my ass with it being weirdly slow and exhausting.

Thanks to my new wifi, I'll try working on my story more often and get the next one updated as soon as I can.

Now no more excuses! Enjoy the chapter!


It was the next day after the fight with the Stray as Sean was sleeping in his bed. When Sean returned to his home, he was trudging through the door and grabbed a quick shower and went straight to bed. He was so exhausted that he just plopped right onto his bed, not even bothering to get under the blankets.

Suddenly, the alarm on his phone started ringing from his bedside table. Sean moaned in irritation, half-asleep, and attempted to silence the noisemaker. But when he reached over to turn it off, his hand met a flat vertical surface. Sean was confused from the unusual obstacle and tried to maneuver his hand around it.

This was met with the same resistance and only served to vex Sean even more. Fed up with the obstruction, Sean turned his head towards the table to see that his hand was touching its side and also noticed that he was lying lower to the ground than usual. The realization prompted the human to fully wake up and lift himself off of his bed.

"Ah! Oh man!" Sean grunted in pain, grasping at his lower back.

Which was easier said than done because his body felt heavier than usual. Turning around, he saw that his bed frame was shattered, causing his mattress to sink towards the ground. It also explained why his back felt strangely sore. But it didn't explain why his body felt so heavy.

But as he made his way out of his room, he realized the reason why he felt weighty, especially when his normal walking footsteps sounded like he was stomping. He forgot to return his personal gravity back to normal last night.

Rolling his eyes at his forgetfulness, Sean summoned his Gauntlet and used the Reality Stone to correct his pull down to the world. Now he felt light as a feather as he started his morning routine. But not before he used the Time Stone to fix his bed.


"Morning, Yama."

"Good morning. Seems like you didn't sleep properly last night." the Hindu god mentioned after rising up from his slumber.

They may have been spirits in the Infinity Stones, but they wanted to retain some of their habits when they were in their physical bodies. It's why they had beds in each of their separate rooms; to sleep when their host did. Unless they wanted to talk with him in his dreams. But they also had their own ways of spending time when Sean was awake.

Heimdall had his weapons, practicing and maintaining them; Morrigan enjoyed wearing fashionable clothes; Thoth loved reading books from his library; Izanagi and Izanami wanted to spend time with each other as the married couple they were and Yama spent every day meditating in peace and quiet. Sean wasn't sure what Chronos did, but the time god told him that he wouldn't be interfering with his host's life as he did whatever he did.

"Yeah." Sean groaned as he rubbed his hurt back. "Forgot to turn my gravity back to normal, broke my bed and almost my back because of it."

"Indeed. Then perhaps you should consider some yoga. Stretching out your body may help alleviate some of the pain." Sean looked at his phone for the time and saw that he still had quite a while before having to leave for school.

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